Chapter Two, The Five of Them

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When Rokuro walked into that classroom, he was not expecting to see the face of his old friend Uesugi Futaro, as he entered and introduced himself, he saw Futaro's jaw drop and that's what made it clear that Futaro knew him, but he still had to confirm. Rokuro quickly walked over to Futaro's desk just as Futaro was turning around from looking at someone else.

"Uesugi Futaro?" Rokuro asked, he was praying he wasn't wrong, he hadn't seen his friend in so long that he'd almost forgotten his face. His hair was no longer wild, he didn't look like a delinquent anymore, he looked like a man of upstanding character. Futaro practically jumped out of his seat to get a look at Rokuro, staring at him fiercely.

You've really changed, haven't you.." Futaro muttered, Rokuro's eyes widened and he gave him a wide grin.

"I had to grow up sometime." Rokuro said as he began to walk past him, he wanted to jump for joy, he had found his friend again. As he went to sit down he noticed a girl with striking pink hair looking at him. He smiled and waved at her which seemingly surprised her, she waved back almost shyly as he took a seat a few seats behind Futaro. The second he sat down, the teacher began to teach again, he watched curiously, what they were learning was relatively simple so he paid it no mind, thinking about his goal.

'If I can find her then It'll be smooth sailing..' He thought to himself, looking up to the ceiling. He looked back down to see Futaro tapping his finger furiously, Rokuro cocked his head to the side in confusion and decided to ask later. Class went by quickly and before long, the bell rang to go to the next class. He stood up and quickly got over to Futaro, grabbing him on the shoulder.

"You okay Futaro? You've been twitching all through class." Rokuro asked, giving him a worried smile.

"Yea. I just have a problem. I can deal with it." Futaro replied with his own smile, Rokuro knew it was fake but decided not to push it.

"If you say so, but hey if you need any help, I'm always around. Well now anyways.'' Rokuro jokes, Futaro smiled lightly and said he would before walking away. As Rokuro started to walk out he felt a hand tap on his shoulder, he turned around and saw the girl from before looking up at him, Itsuki.

Rokuro Touko? I'm Nakano Itsuki, it's a pleasure to meet you." The Itsuki girl said to him.

"Nice to meet you, you okay? You look a little nervous, I mean your face is bright red." Rokuro asked, she nodded and took a deep breath.

"I understand that you're new here, would you like to sit with me and my sisters for lunch today?" She asked, He stared at her confused for a bit before nodding.

"Sure, that works." He said with a smile, she smiled back and grabbed his wrist, pulling him along. He didn't fight it, presuming she had seen the schedule before him. She pulled him into the large cafeteria and over to a table that was occupied by girls, they all looked relatively similar with exceptions to hair length and clothes.

"You're finally here Itsuki, and who's this?" One of the girls asked, the one with the shortest hair.

"This is Rokuro Touko-san, be nice to him." Itsuki said before walking away, Rokuro awkwardly sat down, looking between them. One had two butterfly ribbons in her hair, another had blue headphones, and another had a green ribbon in her hair.

"Touko-kun, do you have a thing for Itsuki-chan?" The short haired girl asked teasingly, he blushed slightly and shook his head.

"No no, she's just being nice. I'm new here." Rokuro replied, he looked to his left and saw the girl with the green ribbon staring at him intently.

"Hello." He said as politely as he could, she jumped suddenly, as if she had just been pulled out of a trance.

"Yotsuba has a scatterbrain, don't pay her any mind." The girl with the butterfly ribbons said almost harshly.

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