Chapter Twenty-Four, The Day of Four

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It was the day before New Years, Rokuro hadn't done anything exciting, he had mostly been going to work and sleeping at home. His work schedule was usually filled to the brim, but today he just had to go to the daycare, so he was relaxing for a bit. He was sitting in the living room under the kotatsu when Nino and Itsuki walked through the door.

"Oh you're awake Rokuro-kun, could you help us with something?" Itsuki asked, he pulled himself out from under the kotatsu and looked at them curiously.

"What is it?" He asked.

"We managed to get futons for us, but they're hard to carry up the stairs. We were gonna ask Yotsuba but you were here, mind getting them?" Nino asked, Rokuro nodded and walked outside, taking a moment to look at the boxes. He smiled to himself and picked them all up with ease, carrying them up the stairs and inside, as he walked into the girls room, he entered to a sleeping Yotsuba. He laughed to himself and set the boxes down, walking back out.

"Is that all the futons?" He asked.

"That should be all six of them." Itsuki replied, making him pause for a second.

"Six? I counted five." He said simply, Nino and Itsuki looked at each other and darted into the room. After a moment he heard a long groan come from the room and Nino and Itsuki walked back out, heads hanging low in disappointment.

"There's only five..we got one for you, but we don't know where it is..." Itsuki muttered dejectedly, Rokuro shrugged and patted her on the head.

"It's okay Itsuki-tan, I can just sleep under the kotatsu like I have been." He replied.

"But we want you to at least be comfortable, we can't have one of our sources of living here going to work in pain." Nino said as she crossed her arms.

"Where could you have even left it? Didn't you leave then come straight back?" He asked.

"Not exactly.." Itsuki muttered, looking away,

"Itsuki wanted to try every new restaurant she saw and wanted to get ice cream, we were supposed to be home three hours ago, but noooo we had to stop every ten minutes!" Nino spat, looking at Itsuki accusingly.

"I'm sorry I got hungry! And I wanted to know what they had so that I may choose what to order if we ever go there!" Itsuki reasoned.

"You could've figured that out when we went, not while we were doing something!" Nino retorted.

"Alright knock it off, I don't wanna deal with another moving out fight, if y'all leave again, I'm going with Itsuki-tan." Rokuro said sternly, they both looked at him and sighed.

"Anyways, we have no clue where the futon is, but it's just sitting somewhere." Nino said with a scowl. Rokuro patted her on the head and smiled.

"I'll just go look for it, it won't be too hard. But I will need someone else with me to cover more ground.." He trailed off, walking into the girls' room. He leaned down and gently shook Yotsuba, trying to wake her.

"Hey, Yotsuba-chii.." He said quietly, she groaned and sat up groggily, looking up at him.

"Rokuro...san..?" She muttered.

"Good morning heavy sleeper, wanna help me with something?" He asked, she yawned and nodded slowly, sitting up.

"Okay..what is it?" She asked.

"We gotta go look for a lost futon, you up for it?" He asked with a laugh, nudging her a bit.

"Okay, give me...a second to get dressed.." She said, he nodded and left the room, closing the door.

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