Chapter Twenty, Forming Bonds

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"Sorry for making you come on a Sunday, Futaro." Miku said to Futaro as he jogged up to her.

"What happened to the other four...what happened after I left?" He asked, Miku shook her head sadly and walked inside, he stared at her a moment before following her inside. They walked up to the apartment and sat down in the living room.

"Itsuki and Nino..calmed down for a bit..but then they started fighting again after you went home...and then both of them left our house.." Miku explained.

"Wha? B-b-both of them?" Futaro exclaimed in disbelief, he never thought that they'd actually leave, and to make matters worse, Rokuro had gone with Nino.

"Yea. Ichika and Yotsuba did their best to persuade them, but...both of them got so obstinate and now they think that they'll lose if they come back first." Miku said.

"Those damn idiots...! So where are the other two now?" Futaro questioned.

"Both of them have business they can't leave unattended for, I think it's work in Ichika's case." Miku replied.

"Why did it have to happen should we study for the exams now..even though the five of you were fine yesterday..." Futaro mumbled, clenching his hands together.

"'s been a long time since I felt like this room was too big for me." Miku said quietly, after a few moments of silence they got up and left again, walking down the street.

"Did this kind of fight happen in the past too?" Futaro asked as they walked along the sidewalk, looking around every now and then.

"We're sisters after all, it's not uncommon. But I feel...this time feels different." Miku muttered. Futaro stared at her sadly for a moment before looking away.

"Anyhow, let's find both Nino and Itsuki." He said with determination.

"If it's Nino, then I know 2 people who are really close friends with her. What about Itsuki?" Miku asked.

"Itsuki...she never hangs out with anyone in class.." Futaro answered.

"Useless Futaro..!" Miku said with a pouty face, they began to run around, looking anywhere they could think of. Within 5 minutes they were gasping for air, already tired.

"I'm...I'm so tired..." Miku wheezed.

"Well...what do you expect from the two...least athletic people of the group..? Damnit...this would be easy...if Touko were here..." Futaro groaned, clutching his side in pain.

"That would be helpful...but after yesterday...I don't think he'll be too fond of helping..Futaro, what was that on...Touko's face?" Miku said as she caught her breath, Futaro's eyes widened, he hadn't expected her to ask about it.

"It's...a bad scar from a long time ago, he was in a really bad fight. That's all I can say Miku." Futaro answered, Miku stared at him a moment before sighing.

"I didn't wanna do this..but I have no choice," She muttered before walking up to a group of people. "Have you seen anyone that looks like me?"

"Being quints sure is handy.." Futaro muttered in awe.

"Oh! I've seen that face at the hotel I'm staying at." A middle aged woman exclaimed.

"That's Nino!!!" Futaro said, he got the address of the hotel from the lady and he and Miku made their way there, Miku deceived the receptionist by saying she forgot her key in her room, the receptionist apologized and handed her another one before the two of them made their way upstairs, walking into Nino's room.

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