Chapter Forty-One, Kazuhiro Rokuro

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-Rokuro, Six Years Ago-

It was six long years ago, Rokuro, his brothers Shichiro, Hachiro, Kyuuji and Futaro had gone off walking around the wondrous city of Kyoto, taking pictures and admiring the place.

"Futaro look, they got a bunch of shrines and stuff!" Rokuro exclaimed.

"How lame, we gotta find some cool stuff to do." Futaro spat, rolling his eyes.

"You're really boring Hizu." Hachiro mocked, Rokuro scowled and pushed him.

"Oh shut it Hachi, I don't wanna hear that from someone who does the gardening at home!" Rokuro retorted.

"And you like cooking with mom, what's the problem!?" Hachiro shouted with a low growl, Futaro karate chopped the two of them on the head, making them both wince.

"Knock it off both of you." Futaro said with a sigh, he began taking pictures of things around when suddenly a girl in a poofy dress walked up to them.

"Hey!!! Are you taking pictures of me?!" She shouted.

"What? No! I don't want any pictures of you!" Futaro shouted, Rokuro turned around and ran over to Futaro, his brothers following.

"What's happening?" Rokuro asked, the girl looked at them and scowled.

"You were gonna pass photos of me to your friends?!!" the girl screamed angrily.

"We wouldn't want any pictures of you, you're ugly." Kyuuji said simply, the girls' face contorted in anger and she turned around, flagging down some cops.

"Officers, this boy was taking pictures of me and was going to show it to his friends!!!" She shouted as the cops looked over at them, making the boys all freeze up.

"Is that true?" One of them asked.

"No! We're just taking pictures of the city, we're here on a trip!" Rokuro tried explaining, but the cops didn't seem to believe him.

"Alright son, just hand over the camera so we can let you be on your way." The officer said as he held out his hand to Futaro, Futaro started to hand over the camera when he paused.

"Futaro? Give him the camera." Hachiro said, putting his hands on his hips. But Futaro didn't move, he looked over at Rokuro and they locked eyes, having a silent conversation. Rokuro realized what was wrong, Futaro had countless pictures of one of the girls in their class, Takebayashi, and didn't want them seeing the pictures.

"Hand it over, kid." The other officer said, reaching out for the camera. But Futaro jumped back, holding the camera to his chest.

"I didn't do anything though!" Futaro shouted, backing up, Rokuro looked at his brothers, who were growing annoyed.

"Just give it-" the cop was cut off by a voice.

"They didn't do anything! I saw it all." A voice said, they all looked up and saw a girl in a white dress with bright blue eyes and long pink hair looking down at them, a warm smile on her face. She walked down to them and walked in front of Futaro.

"He's innocent officer." She said simply, they looked at each other and sighed, leading the puffy dress girl away as she began to scream at the boys.

"T-thanks.." Futaro muttered, the girl smiled.

"You all are lost aren't you?" She asked. The boys looked at each other and nodded slowly.

"Yea, we got separated from our group." Shichiro replied.

"Same here!" The girl said with excitement.

"What's your name?" Rokuro asked, the girl looked over at him and smiled widely.

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