Chapter Seven, The Third Sister

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              "Food is done." He heard Nino call as she and Itsuki walked out the kitchen holding several plates, he noticed there was a different thing on each of them, and one that had a little of everything.

"I'm going to assume you all have different food tastes and that makes it hard to cook?" He asked.

"You don't even know that half of it, I-" Nino started but suddenly tripped, Rokuro jumped up and hopped over the table, catching Nino to keep her from hitting her head as she fell, as the plates fell out of one of her hands he grabbed one and spun it around quickly, catching all the food back on the plate in one fell swoop.

"You okay?" He asked, setting the plate down and getting her upright.

"The food.." Nino said as she looked down at the mess on the ground.

"The food is less important than your well-being, I'll clean it up." Rokuro offered, going into the kitchen and grabbing cleaning supplies. He walked back into the living room and picked up the fallen plates, thankful that they weren't broken before going to clean up the mess.

"Rokuro-san, how'd you do that thing with the plate? You caught all the food on the plate while you spun it." Yotsuba questioned.

"It's easy, it's a law of motion, I don't remember the exact rule but if you spin something around fast enough, then it will stay in its original spot. I used that to keep the food on the plate while catching any food that may have fallen off." He replied, looking at them, he noticed that Miku was the only one without a plate and stood up.

"Nino, do you only make enough for one serving or do you make more?" He asked.

"I only make enough for one." She answered.

"Miku-rin, is there anything else you'd like to eat?" He asked, Miku stared at him blankly before answering.

"Make something from the west." She said, his eyes widened and he went into the kitchen, looking for anything he could use.

"Give me an hour and a half, I'll have your food, I gotta run somewhere and grab stuff." He said before grabbing his jacket and running off down the hall. He took the elevator down to the bottom floor and ran outside, taking a jog down the street to the store. He ran in and grabbed an assortment of spices, chicken, bread, and cans of green beans. He paid for them and quickly ran back, not wasting time on the elevator and running up the stairs.

"Time to see if my cooking skills are still up to par.." He said to himself before he walked back into the apartment, he noticed the girls stare at him briefly before talking about school. He got to work on preparing food, he began by putting vegetable oil into a pan and turning on the stove, letting it heat up the vegetable oil. Starting with the chicken, he got out three bowls and set them down on the counter, putting flour in one, an array of spices in another, and two cracked eggs in another, he stirred up the eggs until they were a nice yellow from the yolk and then took out the chicken, cutting it up into tiny pieces. Once that was done, he waited a few minutes until the vegetable oil was bubbling and then began the process of dipping the chicken strips in the eggs, then the flour, then the seasoning before putting it into the pan. He did this until there were about 10 pieces of chicken in the pan, and began to periodically flip the chicken.

"Touko-kun, whatcha making?" Ichika asked as she walked into the kitchen.

"Don't stand so close to the stove, this vegetable oil bubbles a lot and can burn you pretty badly." He said, holding his hand out as an indication to stay back.

"Are you being careful?" She asked.

"Yes, but at the same time I've been burned by things worse than this, so it doesn't really affect me." He replied as he flipped pieces of chicken.

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