Chapter Thirty, The Five Itsuki's

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With Rokuro's declaration of trying to figure out his emotions, Futaro was in slightly lighter spirits, but Itsuki had said she wanted to talk to him, and he had no idea why, but she was being very cryptic. While he was in the bath, she had put a note in his cubby for his clothes, saying to meet him in the courtyard at midnight, making him even more suspicious.

"What is she on about..she's being weird.." Futaro muttered to himself as he wandered downstairs to the main lobby, as he did he came across an unmoving old man, he had jumped slightly when he first saw him, unsure if he was alive or not. He suddenly ran into Itsuki as he was about to leave.

"Itsuki! I was just coming outside to talk to you. What did you want?" Futaro asked.

"H-hang on, let's talk about this outside.." Itsuki muttered.

"No, we're talking now. Now speak. Why are you acting so weird?" Futaro asked more firmly, Itsuki looked down, as if she was thinking.

"What do you think of our relationship, Uesugi-kun?" Itsuki asked.

"Huh? I remember us talking about being partners, but beyond that-" Itsuki cut him off.

"We cannot be partners anymore Uesugi-kun." Itsuki said sternly, Futaro perked up and looked at her in surprise, confused about what she was talking about.

"I-I know that we haven't had any lessons yet, but I can't let you go that easily, there's still stuff I need to teach you or you might fail. You may have gotten to the next grade, but I was told to stay with you through graduation, I can't just let you-" Itsuki cut him off again.

"We will be fine on our own, let us end this relationship." Itsuki said, looking up at him with dark eyes, he couldn't believe what he was hearing, without thinking he reached out and grabbed Itsuki's shoulders, pushing her against the wall.

"What are you talking about Itsuki?! What are you saying?! Is your father making you do th-" He was suddenly picked up into the air, before being slammed on the ground, he coughed, winded. As he looked up he saw the old man from earlier standing over him, his mouth moving.

"You're alive??!!" Futaro exclaimed, the old man was trying to say something, but Futaro couldn't hear, so he sat up and put his ear to the old man.

"If you touch my granddaughter again, I'll kill you." The old man said in a dark tone, Futaro shuddered in horror, suddenly Itsuki sprinted off, disappearing up the stairs. Futaro jumped up and ran after her, running up the stairs until he suddenly stopped on a dime. There, standing in front of the hallway, was the girls' father.

"Uesugi-kun, whatever could you be doing here?" He asked.

"D-dad I-" Their father cut him off.

"Do not call me dad." He said sternly, making Futaro gulp.

"The only places beyond here are my room and the girls' room, what could you need?" He asked again, putting more force into his tone.

"I-I need to talk to Itsuki for a moment.." Futaro answered.

"Uesugi-kun, you helped my daughters pass their exams commendably, and I thank you. As your client, I would love to help you fulfill that request. Unfortunately, as their father, I must decline. What father in their right mind would let a boy into their daughter's room so late? If it is that important, I am aware that you can contact Rokuro-kun, tell him and he can pass the message along." He said sternly, Futaro had to talk to Itsuki himself, yet he felt that the only way to do that would be through Rokuro. He returned to his room and went to sleep, sleeping in late.

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