Chapter Thirty-Three, A Declaration of War

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              A few days after the return from the hot springs, Rokuro, Futaro, and the quints had returned home. A day after going home, Ichika got the girls together to talk about the bills.

"So next week we're gonna be third years, but a few things are going to change, we're going to split the rent evenly." Ichika said sternly.

"Huh? What happened with Kazuhiro helping us?" Miku asked, looking up at him.

"Don't look at me, this is the first time I heard about it." Rokuro said as he was leaning against the wall with his arms crossed.

"I've decided that we can't keep relying on Kazu-kun to help us with rent and everything entirely, he's been paying more of the bill than I have. It's going to be up to us to settle our own bills and things. He can help with getting groceries or something, but not bills." Ichika explained, Rokuro's eyes widened a bit, Ichika had thought about this honestly.

"So we just gotta find jobs to help pay rent? Seems simple enough." Nino said.

"It's harder than you think, workplaces don't just accept anyone, it depends on your skills, how you present yourself, and what you can bring to the table." Rokuro replied.

"Yup, and whoever doesn't pay, will have to go back to our old apartment." Ichika said with an evil smile, the girls all shuddered, making Rokuro laugh a bit.

"Come on girls." Rokuro said, sitting up and stretching.

"Where are we going?" Itsuki questioned.

"We're gonna go look for jobs." Rokuro replied simply, the girls all jumped up and disappeared into the other room to get ready except for Ichika, leaving the two of them alone.

"I didn't think you'd help them." Ichika said with slight surprise.

"Well I want you all to stay together." Rokuro answered, Ichika stared at him with wide eyes before laughing.

"That's our Kazu-kun, so concerned for us~." Ichika teased, Rokoro blushed a bit before smiling. The others walked out, with Nino holding a stack of papers in her hands.

"Job ads?" Rokuro asked.

"Yea, I've been saving them since I was considering getting a job for a while now. How'd you know?" Nino answered.

"They say job ad on the papers Nino-tya." Rokuro replied simply, Nino looked down at the papers before making a pouty face and smacking him on the shoulder.

"Nice one Mr. Sarcastic." She said flatly, making Rokuro laugh.

"You love it." Rokuro said, Nino blushed a bit and sighed, together, Rokuro, Nino, Miku, Yotsuba, and Itsuki left to find them jobs, after roughly three hours of looking and a lot of indecisiveness, they found a small cafe to stop in and rest. The girls all sat down while Rokuro leaned against the wall behind them.

"This is harder than I thought.." Itsuki muttered.

"Well what do you expect? You all are so picky about what you want to do, not to mention you all are mostly focused on trying to find something you can do together." Rokuro said sternly.

"Itsuki is, I'm not, I just want to find someplace I can do something I'm good at." Nino said, looking amongst help wanted ads, Rokuro looked up for a minute in thought.

"Well you're good at cooking, why not work with Futaro?" Rokuro suggested, Nino and Miku perked up and looked at him at the same time.

"Is his job hiring?" They asked in unison.

"Oh yea, I totally forgot! I got a now hiring flier from Uesugi-san the other day. He wanted me to show it to potential workers." Yotsuba said as she held up the flier. Nino and Miku both jumped for it, Nino getting it first.

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