Chapter Eighteen, The Day Of Five

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It was a day that Futaro wasn't supposed to come, the girls and Rokuro were sitting in the living room contemplating what to do. Rokuro mostly went along with whatever the girls were doing, but this time they couldn't figure it out, all he knew is they wanted to do something special.

"We could go to an amusement park!" Yotsuba said happily.

"I wouldn't be able to stay long, I have work in three hours." Ichika replied.

"What's so special that you need o do something big for it?" Rokuro questioned.

"You've never just had a special occasion for the fun of it?" Ichika asked.

"No, up until I moved here I never left the house. I just stayed inside all day." He answered.

"How did your dad let you get away with that? There's no way you didn't go places." Nino said as she crossed her arms, Rokuro paused for a bit and looked at Ichika, reminding himself that only she knew.

"I got a pass because our moms death hit me the hardest, so he just let me lay around for five years. Though I'm sure you can guess he was excited that I wanted to come back to Japan." Rokuro said with a shrug, he laid back against the couch and looked up.

"If you wanna do something special just for the fun of it, why don't Nino-tya and I bake a cake and we have a mini party?" Rokuro offered.

"That's not a bad idea." Itsuki said as she nodded.

"Oooo and we could invite Uesugi-san!" Yotsuba exclaimed.

"No way, he doesn't need to be here!!" Nino spat.

"But I'm sure Rokuro-kun doesn't want to be the only male in a party full of girls." Itsuki replied.

"Or maybe he does, he has pretty girls all around him, he must be in heaven~" Ichika teased, Rokuro blushed and sighed.

"For once I'm with Nino-tya, Futaro doesn't like parties anyways, if we asked him he would more than likely say no." Rokuro said with a sigh.

"The cake thing isn't a bad idea though..but we need ingredients, I don't think we have anything to make a cake." Nino said, standing up and walking into the kitchen, Rokuro stood up and followed after her.

"What kind of cake are we trying to make?" He asked.

"I'm not sure yet, it doesn't need to be anything too fancy, but I want it to be special." Nino muttered, looking in the cabinets.

"We'll probably have to make a cake for Itsuki-tan herself, she'll devour a cake." He said as he crossed his arms and leaned against the counter.

"Hey! You do know I can hear you?" Rokuro heard Itsuki exclaim.

"You're not denying it." Rokuro said plainly as he looked over his shoulder at her. She blushed and looked away, pouting and crossing her arms.

"If we're having a basic party, why not just bake a basic cake?" Nino asked as she looked back at him.

"That's true...but you said you want it to be special, why not carrot cake?" Rokuro offered.

"That could work, but we have almost nothing for it." Nino replied.

"Itsuki-tan and I can go get stuff for it." Rokuro said, stretching.

"Alright, we need vegetable oil, unsweetened applesauce, granulated sugar and brown sugar, vanilla extract, all-purpose flour, salt, cinnamon, nutmeg, and ginger, carrots, pecans, unsalted butter, and cream cheese. Yotsuba, Ichika! You two go get party decorations!" Nino ordered.

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