Chapter Forty-Nine, Two Hearts

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-Nino, The First Day-

It was the final event of school, the famous sunrise festival. Nino's day began with her laying in her bed thinking early in the morning.

"Both Fu-kun and Kazuhiro-kun may love me...but what do I do about it?" Nino asked herself as she sat up, starting to get ready. As she did, her thoughts began to jump everywhere, bouncing between the Rokuro and Futaro. She pushed those thoughts out of her mind for now and decided to focus on the event. She walked downstairs to everyone finishing getting ready, smiling as she saw Rokuro and Miku cooking together. Within an hour, they all got ready to leave, Ichika was lagging behind because she was staying home.

"Good luck guys, make sure you have fun for me!" Ichika called to them, waving them bye.

"Later Ichika-nee, don't overwork yourself at work." Rokuro said sternly, she laughed and nodded.

"Of course, oh! Rokuro-kun!" She said suddenly, walking up to him.

"What's up?" He asked.

"Can I have a goodbye kiss?~" She asked teasingly.

"Ichika!!!" Itsuki exclaimed, Nino stared at the two of them with wide eyes but relaxed a little, confident that Rokuro wouldn't go through with it, but suddenly with zero hesitation he leaned down and kissed her on the forehead, ruffling her hair.

"Bye bye Ichika-nee." He said softly, Ichika's face flushing bright red.

"I-I-I didn't think y-you'd actually do it!" She pouted, crossing her arms.

"Kazuhiro-kun!!!" Nino exclaimed, he turned around to see all the girls staring at him with bright red faces and looks of disbelief.

"Now get going, or you'll be late!" Ichika said happily, the five of them walked towards school, as they did, they talked about what to do to celebrate on their own.

"We could probably ask to use a classroom or something, I'm sure they won't mind." Rokuro offered.

"Maybe, but it would be better if everyone was there. I want Ichika to be there as well." Itsuki said with a sad look on her face.

"Kazuhiro could drag her here." Miku said teasingly.

"That's actually a good idea.. Rokuro muttered.

"No, no! You are not going to take Ichika away from work just so she can party with us!" Nino scolded.

"Aw come on, it would be fun though!" Rokuro reasoned.

"No way, work is important!" Nino said sternly, Rokuro crossed his arms and sighed, looking down.

"Speaking of everyone being've all confessed to Futaro right?" Rokuro asked, making them all go silent.

"Itsuki and I haven't, we don't like Uesugi-san." Yotsuba replied.

"Oh please, for you I see it a mile away, and Itsuki-tan told me the other day that she's in love, and I can only assume with him, you all are. And Futaro knows this." Rokuro retorted with a smug smile, their faces all flushed red and he looked over at Itsuki and Yotsuba, they were squirming as they looked away.

"You too?!" Nino exclaimed.

"Oh come on Nino-tya, you can't tell me you didn't see this coming, you're quintuplets, you all may have many differences, but there's at least one thing you all like, and that's Futaro. Though I take pride in the fact that I've made enough of a mark on you all to at least consider me." Rokuro said teasingly, their faces flushed red and they looked away.

"S-shut it!" They shouted in unison, making Rokuro laugh.

"At any rate, this is the final event, the last moments, if Futaro was going to respond to your feelings at any point, it would be during the festival, so expect that." Rokuro said sternly, then, as if by fate, their phones all buzzed at the same time. It was a text from Futaro to all of them.

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