Chapter Fifty-Six If The Final Festival Was Itsuki's

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-Itsuki, The Second Day-

The second day of the festival was already a part of the way through being done, and Itsuki was getting nervous, they were getting closer and closer to the day of Futaro and Rokuro's confession, she didn't know who they were going to choose, it was nerve wracking. She hadn't seen her sisters at all today either, they had been mostly off doing their own things, so she had been walking around enjoying the stalls. As she was walking around she suddenly felt a heavy gaze upon her, she spun around to find the man from yesterday staring at her intently.

"M-Mudo-sensei!? What are you doing here?!" Itsuki exclaimed.

"I told you I would come back did I not?" He replied, but Itsuki didn't trust it.

"Why are you here though, do you need something?" She asked.

"I apologize for yesterday, saying all that so suddenly, to a stranger no less, surely will be confusing. But I was hesitating about when I should tell you, your mother was my former student, my former co-worker, wife. To put it simply, I'm your father." Mudo said sternly, Itsuki froze, her vision tunneled, her chest tightened. She couldn't believe what she was hearing, it was like her world had been smashed in by a hammer. She took a step back, leaning against the wall behind her.

"No way...he disappeared before we were can't be him.." Itsuki muttered in shock.

"I've wanted to see you for so long, you girls were the only thing on my mind as I traveled the country, then I saw Ichika-chan on TV." Mudo explained.

"I-I'll call the others here-" Mudo cut her off.

"I'm not talking to them, I'm talking to you, Itsuki-chan. There was no coincidence that you happened to show up at my work lecture, you were troubled, and you confided in me. Now I must fulfill my duty as your father and-" Itsuki cut him off, growing angry.

"How dare you?! Mother told me about you, you up and left when you found out she was having quintuplets! Can you even imagine how she must've felt..? When it comes to you...I have no want to-" He cut her off again, this time getting on his hands and knees and bowing so hard he smacked his head against the pavement.

"Forgive me!!! I was so pathetic, I've always regretted it..if I were more dependable back then, you girls would've been spared so many troubling times. It breaks my heart to think about how you are sins will never go away, but I wish to be forgiven, let me make up for what I did, please. I want to do everything I can as a father from now on.." Mudo pleaded, Itsuki stared at him sadly for a moment, she wanted to believe him, but she didn't trust him.

"Please...don't involve yourselves with us anymore, we already have a father." Itsuki sai.

"Nakano-kun, huh? He was an excellent student, but he's a terrible example of a father, it's to be expected though, a blood relationship is essential for a bond between father and daughter. What was he able to do for you when your mother died?" Mudo declared, Itsuki was taken aback, she didn't know what to say.

"He allowed my daughter to keep chasing after the shadow of her deceased mother, you're about to go down her exact same path you mother took as well. You should know better than anyone that you're not fit to be a school teacher!! As your father, I cannot turn a blind eye to this! My love for you is begging me to act and save you! I must-" Mudo was cut off by a fist smashing into his face, he went careening off to the side, skidding against the ground, and in front of Itsuki was Rokuro.

"STAY THE HELL AWAY FROM HER YOU BASTARD!!!" Rokuro roared, his eyes seething with anger, it was the most upset Itsuki had ever seen him before, it almost scared her. She looked at him, then back to Mudo, as if almost by instinct, she clinged onto Rokuro, holding onto him tightly.

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