Chapter Eleven, The Fifth Sister

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When Rokuro awoke, he was in a hospital bed, there was a doctor standing by him reading a clipboard while two nurses checked things on the other side of him, he groaned and sat up, looking around.

"What happened..?" Rokuro asked, the nurses gently pushed him back down as the doctor looked over at him.

"Relax son, you're not in any condition to move. Your friends found you passed out on the floor." The doctor explained. Rokuro stared at him then looked down, trying to remember what happened. He remembered coming home and talking to Futaro, then seeing a photo. The photo. That photo was of the girl who had wronged him, or someone who looked similar, they had been twins if Rokuro was remembering correctly.

"Futaro, the you know where they are?" Rokuro questioned.

"That black haired boy and those 5 girls? They visited you yesterday." The doctor said, Rokuro paused when he said yesterday.

"How long have I been asleep?" He asked.

"Oh just for a day, we'll have to conduct some tests on you before you can leave, but once we're done you're free to go." The doctor answered. Rokuro nodded and sighed, wondering if Futaro had gotten into any trouble with the quints while he was out. He was subjected to several tests, making sure he could walk normally, that is blood pressure was level, and that all his motor functions were still working. After roughly 3 hours combined of waiting and tests, he was discharged from the hospital.

"Now Rokuro-san, don't exert yourself too hard now." One of the nurses said, he forced a smile and nodded as he put on his clothes, grabbed his phone, and checked out, then started the walk home. On his way back he stopped by the convenience store and grabbed something to eat, munching on it as he walked home, as he did he tried to recall the last time he had convenience store food, remembering that it had been with his old friends.

"I wonder how Kio-kun and Koh-kun are doing..." Rokuro mumbled, before long he arrived at the quintuplets apartment building and let himself in, walking up the 30 flights of stairs to the top of the building. He paused a moment before walking into a strange scene, it was Futaro, Miku, Ichika, and Yotsuba sitting around playing board games.

"Woah that's new, Futaro's having fun?" He said as he walked in.

"Rokuro-san!" Yotsuba called, jumping up and running over to him, the rest of them stood up and followed, walking over to him, above him he heard footsteps and Itsuki and Nino walked over to him as well.

"They did not tell us that you had been discharged or had woken up." Itsuki said.

"Well that's usually reserved for family members." Rokuro replied.

"I told them that you're my brother but my phone is dead, they might have tried to call me and I just haven't seen it." Futaro said curiously, Rokuro looked over at him in surprise, he knew that he himself considered Futaro a brother, but never knew if Futaro felt the same about him.

"It's possible." Rokuro said with a shrug.

"You're not dead, so at least I don't have to worry." Nino said as she started to walk away.

"Wow thanks for the boost of confidence, you'll only care about me if I'm on the verge of death, so sweet." Rokuro said cynically.

"Nino.." Ichika said with a warning tone, Nino blushed and crossed her arms.

"Yea yea...I'm glad you're okay..I guess.." She muttered, Rokuro blinked twice in disbelief, wondering if that was her saying it or if Ichika had told her to say that.

"Despite how she's acting, she really was worried about you. She even offered to bring you some food when you woke up." Ichika explained, Nino's face flushed red and she stomped her foot.

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