Chapter Fifty-Seven, An Unforgettable Festival

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-Futaro, The First Day-

It was time. The last event of school was upon him, the Sunrise Festival. As Futaro sat up and looked at the sun shining in his eyes, he felt a pit in his stomach. In a few days, they would be onto their final exams and then graduation, but that's not why the pit in his stomach formed. The quints and Rokuro, they had all been fighting with their feelings, and he was the crux of the problem, he knew that Rokuro would never confess his feelings until he knew what Futaro's feelings were.

"I guess I gotta think about this a bit harder.." He muttered to himself, looking down at his phone, he opened it and decided to randomly choose one of them and texted them 'meet me in the classroom at three', but soon realized he accidentally sent it to all of them and let out a sigh of defeat. He got ready and walked to school, getting there in surprisingly record time. He walked around and made last minute preparations with other stalls before he felt a tap on his shoulder.

"You good egghead? You got a case of the mean muggin'." Rokuro said from behind him.

"Oh shut it Kazuhiro, are the girls here?" Futaro asked.

"Yea they are, I told them i'd come get you so we could watch the opening ceremony together." Rokuro answered, Futaro smiled a bit and the two of them walked away, heading towards the auditorium.

"So who's the lucky girl?" Rokuro asked with a teasing tone.

"What are you on about?" Futaro retorted.

"Don't play dumb, you sent us all a text to come to the classroom." Rokuro said as he crossed his arms.

"In all honesty, I had meant to send that text to only one of them, but I accidentally ended up sending it to all of you." Futaro explained, Rokuro stared at him in disbelief.

"How do you mess up that badly?! Oh well, nothing we can do about it now, let me guess, at three you're gonna tell them all who you like?" Rokuro asked, Futaro was silent for a moment before cracking a small smile.

"I think I'll give it some more thought." He said quietly, Rokuro's eyes widened and he smiled, putting his arm around Futaro's shoulder.

"Well if that's the case, you need all the time with them you can get! I'm gonna make sure you get time with all of them!" Rokuro said with a confident smile, Futaro blushed slightly and pulled away from him.

"You don't have to go that far." Futaro scoffed as Rokuro laughed. As they got back to the auditorium he heard the girl's talking.

"I'm so ready for the festival to start!!!" He heard Yotsuba said excitedly.

"Of course you are." Rokuro said, he and Futaro walking up to them.

"Uesugi-kun, Rokuro-kun." Itsuki said with slight surprise.

"I still can't believe that Nino agreed to do this." Futaro said with a sigh.

"Me too, but she must at least have some sort of reason." Rokuro replied.

"I think she did it to see if dad was in the crowd." Yotsuba said suddenly.

"Dad? But why?" Miku questioned.

"She sent dad an invitation to come, so she's trying to see if he was in the stands." Yotsuba explained.

"He doesn't seem to be the type of person to show up to something like this." Rokuro said as he crossed his arms. Suddenly the lights dimmed and the PA system kicked on.

"We will now commence the opening ceremony of the twenty-ninth annual Asahiyama highschool sunrise festival. The Asahiyama Highschool Sunrise festival is now beginning...first, an opening act by our school's highly esteemed dance group of female students!" The voice over the PA system said, the lights came on over the stage and the dance group, with Nino in the middle, started to dance and sing.

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