Chapter Forty-Seven, One Love

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-Ichika, The First Day-

It was the final event of the school year, the Sunrise Festival, and Ichika couldn't be there, Ichika had decided to quit school in recent days, so she was left to stay at home, it was probably for the best as well, she had been growing in popularity recently and didn't want to attract any unwanted attention. However, Futaro had texted her that morning and said he wanted her to come to the classroom at three p.m later today. She had told him she had work, but now she was thinking against staying home.

"It wouldn't hurt to go.." Ichika muttered, hesitantly, she got dressed, using a coat to cover her face as she left, walking to school. As she arrived she saw the festival well underway, there were people crowding the courtyard, and stalls everywhere.

"Woah...they really went all out.." Ichika said in surprise.

"Isn't Nakano Ichika here?" A voice said behind her, making her freeze.

"I'm pretty sure this is the school she goes to." Another voice answered.

"Awesome! You think I can meet her?!" The first voice said, Ichika instinctively ran off, she ducked for somewhere to hide, pulling out a Nino wig and putting it on, she straightened it a bit before walking out, she didn't like disguising as her sisters, but she would draw too much attention if she went around as herself. She walked around for a bit, admiring everything around the school until suddenly she was swarmed by people.

"Oh wow, it is her!"

"She's super cute!"

"What are you doing around here, Nino-senpai?"

People said in unison, without a second thought, Ichika turned around and sprinted off, running through the crowd. She ducked around a corner, trying to think of what to do when she suddenly felt something fall on her head.

"Put this on." A voice said, she immediately recognized it and smiled.

"Hey, did you see where Nino-senpai went?" One of the voices from earlier said.

"She went that way." The voice she recognized as Futaro's said, she slowly pulled off what she realized was a school jacket and looked up at him.

"So you showed up." Futaro said nonchalantly.

"W-well wanted me to didn't you?" Ichika questioned.

"Yea sorry about that, I hope you weren't too busy with work, actually that message was an accident. I had meant to send it to only one of you but ended up sending it to all five of you." Futaro said flatly, Ichika blushed and looked away, pouting. But as she thought about it, it made sense, one of them was bound to be on Futaro radar, one way or another.

"Oh, of course you would Futaro-kun.." Ichika said dejectedly, covering her head with the school jacket again.

"What? What is it?" Futaro asked.

"N-nothing, just a little embarrassed. But anyways, what did you want us all to come for?" She asked.

"No reason, but wouldn't you feel better spending time with all of us?" Futaro said simply.

"That's all there is?" Ichika exclaimed in surprise.

"What? You expected more? I won't make you stay if you don't want to.." Futaro said quietly, Ichika stared at him with wide eyes, wondering if he really did want her to be here.

"I just thought that you may have something important to tell us." She replied.

"What would be so important?" Futaro asked, Ichika made a pouty face and crossed her arms.

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