Chapter Thirteen, Upcoming Events and Dark Remembrance

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A few days after the exams, Futaro was at the quints apartment for tutoring, but Miku had interrupted it for cooking, Rokuro was gone at work, so he had no way to get them to work without being forceful and he didn't wanna do that.

"What are these things..?" Yotsuba asked as Miku set down a plate of what looked like rocks.

"They're croquettes." Miku said simply.

"You mean rocks? They look toasted." Yotsuba replied.

"Just try one, they should taste okay." Miku said confidently, Yotsua was hesitant to try one but Futaro popped one into his mouth without worry.

"That tasted good!" Futaro said with hands on his hips.

"That tasted horribly!" Yotsuba retorted, her hand over her mouth.

"Woah, are you some kind of gourmet, Yotsuba?" Futaro asked her.

"You just have no good taste buds Uesugi-san!" Yotsuba exclaimed, Futaro stared at her confused until he felt a strange presence, he turned and saw Miku staring at them with a pouty face.

"I'm gonna keep making them until they're keep trying them!" She announced, over the next hour, Miku continued making croquettes, feeding Yotsuba and Futaro each one. Eventually Futaro collapsed from eating, his stomach hurting. Miku ran off to the store, going to get him some medicine. And so he and Yotsuba were left alone.

"This was supposed to be a tutor day...and it's gone to waste.." Futaro groaned, holding his stomach.

"Miku will be back soon, are you feeling any better?" Yotsuba asked, Futaro stared at her in a daze, both annoyed at himself and Yotsuba.

"Couldn't you have lied so she would've stopped making them..? You kept saying they tasted bad.." Futaro spat.

"Miku would've found out I was lying immediately!" Yotsuba exclaimed.

"You could've just said you liked the flavor.." Futaro retorted, scowling.

"Ohhhh...that could've worked.." Yotsuba said with a nod, Futaro sighed and closed his eyes, wondering what he should do. Suddenly he felt footsteps and looked up, above him was standing Nino and Itsuki.

"What are you doing, napping in someone else's house? Did you get drugged?" Nino asked.

"Today..I think I actually want drugs.." Futaro replied, groaning again.

"Whatever, come on Itsuki. We don't wanna miss our lunch reservation." Nino said with a scoff as she walked away, Itsuki following her. Futaro's eyes widened with a realization and he motions for Yotsuba to lean close.

"We gotta get them to stay and study somehow, you need to do something to keep them here!" Futaro whisper-shouted.

"I don't know how! What should I do?" Yotsuba replied.

"I don't know, lie to them or something!" Futaro retorted, Yotsuba grimaced and hesitantly stood up, turning to her sisters.

"Nino, Itsuki, hang on! Uesugi-san is very very sick, you two should stay and nurse him!" Yotsuba lied, Futaro looked up at her in shock, wondering where she was going with this.

"If he's sick shouldn't he go to the hospital..?" Itsuki questioned.

"O-oh..he uh..he can't! If he moves, he'll die!" Yotsua said worriedly, Futaro scowled, she was only digging a deeper hole for herself.

"Huh? I've never heard of a disease like that.." Itsuki muttered curiously, Futaro took notice of a bottle of ketchup by him and secretly squirted some on his hand, then brought it up to his face and coughed, faking coughing up blood.

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