Chapter Eight, A Misunderstanding

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The next day Futaro was attempting to get into the quintuplets apartment when he encountered a bump in the road, the door to their building wouldn't open.

"How does this work damnit?!" He growled as he slammed his hands on the glass of the door, he heard walking behind him and turned around to see Miku walking up to the building.

"Futaro, what are you doing?" She questioned, walking up to the card reader and putting her keycard in, like magic the door opened.

"How in the world..." Futaro said in awe.

"It's a self locking door, you have to buzz our apartment and have someone let you in for it to work." Miku explained, Futaro scowled and looked away, messing with his hair.

"I knew that!...Gah.." Futaro muttered, making Miku smile.

"Come on Futaro, aren't you going to tutor us?" Miku said as she walked inside, looking back at him with a big smile on her face, Futaro smiled a bit and followed her inside, going up to their apartment. Much to his surprise, all except Nino were sitting in the living room, even Itsuki was there, but no Rokuro.

"Where's Touko at?" Futaro questioned.

"He said he was leaving to visit someone, said it had something to do with family and that he'd be back later tonight." Ichika explained, Futaro thought a moment before realizing where he was going.

"Oh, got it, he'll be fine then." Futaro replied simply.

"Why is something wrong?" Yotsuba asked, staring at him curiously.

"I can't say, it's his personal information." Futaro said sternly.

"It concerns his mother, does it not?" Itsuki said from behind Ichika and Yotsuba, Futaro stared at her in disbelief, then quickly concluded that Rokuro must've lied a bit.

"Yea, he's going to go visit her grave in Kyoto." Futaro said, the girls all stared at him wide eyed before looking down.

"Uesugi-san, is Rokuro-san okay? He seems to be really distant at times..." Yotsuba asked worriedly, Futaro sighed and looked out the window, thinking of what to say.

"Touko odd one. He's really good at acting happy and pretending that nothing is wrong, he's the type to hide how he really feels. He was really close to his mother from what I remember, her death really messed with him." Futaro explained, the room was silent for a moment as everyone took in what Futaro had just said.

"Sorry for making the atmosphere so gloomy, come on, it's tutoring time." Futaro said, clapping his hands and trying to bring the mood up.

"Good luck, you've made them all depressed, there's no hope for you now." A voice said above him, he looked up and saw Nino leaning over the railing, a devious smirk on her face. Futaro stared at her warily, for some reason she held a grudge against him.

"N-Nino! Why don't you join us?" Futaro offered.

"I'd rather die." Nino spat, staring at him with an accusing look.

"Great...why don't the five of us just study today?" Futaro asked the others, Yotsuba nodded happily, raring to go when Nino walked down the stairs, looking at her phone.

"Hey Yotsuba, I heard one of the members of the basketball team broke a leg, they need another member to be able to participate in the tournament.." Nino said with false sadness in her voice, Futaro didn't believe it for a second, confident that Yotsuba would stay, but his hopes were in vain.

"I'm sorry Uesugi-san! I can't ignore someone when they need help!" Yotsuba exclaimed apologetically before running off.

"Yotsuba!!! God she can't say no can she.." Futaro grumbled.

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