Chapter Thirty-Seven, The Brewing Storm

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              The trip to Kyoto was drawing closer and closer. Rokuro and Futaro were walking down the hallway towards the library because the girls wanted to talk about it, but Rokuro kept telling him it was a bad idea.

"Something is up with them, you know that at least three of them like you, they're definitely gonna try something." Rokuro warned, Futaro sighed and looked away, a light blush on his face.

"And they'll be stupid if they do." Futaro retorted, Rokuro cocked his head to the side in confusion.

"How so?" He asked.

"They're so stupid for choosing me...I don't get why they even did." Futaro muttered, Rokuro laughed and put his hand on Futaro's shoulder.

"Don't say that, there's something about you that they like, whether it's your obliviousness, that unseen kindness you have, or because you're stupid, they've fallen for you. Don''t call their feelings stupid, consider how they feel, you'll have to respond to them eventually." Rokuro replied, a smile on his face, Futaro looked down, wondering if he could even respond to their feelings in the first place, he didn't know what to do. Out of all the problems that could've been presented to him, he gets one that can't be solved with academics. Futaro and Rokuro walked into the library to see all the quints sitting at a table waiting.

"There you two are!" Yotsuba said happily.

"Where were you two?" Ichika asked.

"We were talking about the trip, don't worry about it. So, what did you wanna talk to us about that involved the trip?" Rokuro answered, leaning against a bookcase as he crossed his arms.

"I wanted to talk about groups, Futaro, have you decided who you're going to group with?" Miku asked suddenly, Futaro looked at her quizzically.

"I'm-" Ichika suddenly cut him off.

"Yotsuba had something she wanted to say to you!!!" She exclaimed, all eyes snapped over to Yotsuba, who looked panicked. Futaro looked over at Rokuro and noticed he was glaring at Ichika hard, but he didn't know why.

U-uh..I uhm.." Yotsuba stammered to form a sentence.

"Go on, say it, Yotsuba." Ichika said.

"What is it?" Miku asked.

"Say whatever you need to say Yotsuba-chii." Rokuro said calmly, though his eyes said otherwise, Futaro recognized the look of anger whenever his brother would bully someone.

", Miku and Ichika want to form a group with Uesugi-san.." Yotsuba muttered, everyone's eyes widened.

"But what about Kazuhiro, Nino, and Itsuki? We all should stick together." Miku reasoned.

"I know! We can all form one big group, that way, everyone's happy!" Yotsuba exclaimed.

"But the limit is five, two of us would be left out.." Miku muttered.

"I can join some other group, that's fine right?" Yotsuba asked.

"That doesn't work Yotsuba, someone will still be left out." Ichika said.

"No one wants that either, at least I don't. How about this? Fu-kun, Kazuhiro-kun, and I will form our own group." Nino declared.

"H-huh?!" Ichika said in disbelief.

"I don't know what Yotsuba was going to say, but I don't really care, I'm going to be in a group with those two." Nino said sternly, suddenly, Rokuro sat up, his glare had softened a bit, but it was still a stern look.

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