Chapter Forty-Eight, If The Final Festival Was Ichika's

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-Ichika, The Second Day-

              Rokuro wasn't home the next morning, Ichika had assumed he had either left for school or gone to Futaro's house, she got ready for her shoot on her new movie before her manager picked her up and brought her over to the set, within minutes she was in the middle of a scene again, throughout the day she worked on different scenes she was in, but the last one she was supposed to be slapping one of her coworkers. As she got ready to slap him, she suddenly thought of Futaro and what he had said, without thinking she cracked her coworker across the face. She felt bad, but she had to continue the scene.

"You scumbag! You can't keep being so soft!!!" Ichika shouted.

"And cut! That was great, we're using this take!!!" the director called, Ichika nodded and knelt down to her coworker who was holding his face in pain.

"Are you okay..?" She asked worriedly.

"Have you done this before...Ichika-san?" He asked, she laughed nervously and looked away, realizing she had smacked someone before, Rokuro when he was talking about dying. She shook her head and tried to put her energy up.

"Whew! I feel like I put in some work today!" She said with a long sigh.

"Ichika-chan! I just got a call, this was the second day of your school's festival right?" Her manager said as he ran over.

"Yea, what's up?" She asked.

"Apparently your friend and your sister collapsed there." He said, her eyes widened and she looked around quickly.

"Do you think I could take off to go see them?" Ichika asked worriedly.

"Of course, I'll take you myself." He said sternly, they told the director the situation then immediately left, as they drove back to Tokai, Ichika thought about which of her sisters might have collapsed.

"Did they say which of my sisters collapsed?" She asked.

"No, they just said one of your sisters and that Rokuro boy." Her manager explained, Ichika's eyes widened as she thought about Rokuro, wondering if he had had a daymare, they got back around the time it was starting to get dark, she jumped out the car and ran inside, asking for Rokuro and her sister's room. Once she got them both she calmed herself and speed walked down the hall until she got to her sister's room.

"Hey, are you feeling okay?" Ichika asked as she walked in and saw her sitting up.

"Yea..I'm fine.." Yotsuba replied.

"What happened?" Ichika asked.

"I met one of Uesugi-san's old friends, she knew about me.." Yotsuba answered.

"About your history with him? Does she know about Kazu-kun?" Ichika said, sitting down in a chair next to her.

"She does, but she seemed more worried about me.." Yotsuba replied, clenching her fists to the hospital sheets tightly. Ichika stared at her for a long time before sighing, looking away.

"Speaking of Kazu-kun, do you know why he collapsed?" Ichika questioned.

"He overworked himself, he took on too much work as he dealt with visitors' problems, and then he had a daymare. Nino and Uesugi-san weren't there to help him, he was found by teachers. I had already been brought here by then...I feel bad..he might've not worked himself so much if I hadn't passed out.." Yotsuba muttered.

"Hey, it'll be okay, there was nothing you could've done. And I'm sure Kazu-kun doesn't blame you. Just get some rest alright?" Ichika said softly, rubbing Yotsuba's back gently before standing up, Yotsuba looked down before smiling.

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