Special Chapter, Happy Halloween!

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This is a chapter not related to the events of The Quintessential Quintuplets: Eternal Hearts, all events within the Special Chapters are part of their own continuity and should be considers as non canon, they only serve as a special celebration of a holiday and thus have little content within them.


It was the night of Halloween, and Rokuro was stuck inside due to a torrent of rain, he had never been one for holidays, he hadn't celebrated one in years, but considering this would be his last year before he was an adult, he had wanted to be able to celebrate his last year. He was laying on his futon in the living room when Itsuki and Nino ran in from outside.

"Gah! Rain sucks, it messed up my hair!" Nino spat.

"Well you don't need to do your hair every time you leave the house." Rokuro offered.

"Says the guy who needs to dye his hair everyday in the morning." Nino retorted.

"Hey, it takes time to look this good." Rokuro replied with a smirk.

"Were the groceries ruined?" Itsuki asked.

"You guys went and bought groceries? Why didn't you ask me? I could've been in and out before it got that bad outside," Rokuro scolded, but Nino waved him off dismissively.

"I wouldn't want you getting sick." She said.

"And you getting sick is better?" Rokuro replied.

"If I get sick, I can get taken care of, if you get sick, our only defense is cut down." Nino explained.

"No one would attack any of you." He said simply.

"Is that what the incident with Itsuki taught you?" Nino asked.

"Nino, be nice." Itsuki warned, Nino sighed and looked away, crossing her arms.

"Look, bottom line is I don't want you getting sick, so that's that." Nino said sternly, Rokuro sighed and stood up, walking over to her and patting her on the head.

"Thanks Nino-tya, but I'm gonna-" He was cut off by Yotsuba running in the house.

"It's raining super hard!!!" She exclaimed.

"Welcome to the conversation." Rokuro replied, making Itsuki karate chop him on the head.

"Ow." He said.

"Be nice." Itsuki warned.

"It took helping a bunch of people, but they gave me money and I saved up for this!" Yotsuba said excitedly, pulling out what appeared to be a Halloween costume. It was an American football player, Rokuro didn't recognize the name or jersey number.

"It is Halloween, isn't it?" Nino asked, looking at her phone.

"It's raining too hard to go out and do anything, but I still wanted to get a costume!" Yotsuba said happily, Rokuro looked over the costume and sighed.

"Can't remember the last time I saw a Halloween costume.." He muttered, the room went dead silent as the girls looked at him.

"What?" He asked.

"Kazuhiro-kun...when's the last time you celebrated Halloween?" Nino asked in a worried voice.

"I don't know..five or six years? Last time my family was alive...so the fall I was eleven, so yea about six years." Rokuro answered, the Nino's face went from an expression of worry, to an expression of shock, to an expression of what could only be described as pain.

"That's...well that's just unacceptable..Yotsuba! You think you could run to the store and get party decorations?" Nino asked.

"Yep, leave it to me!!" Yotsuba said excitedly.

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