Chapter Thirty-Eight, It All Comes Crashing Down

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              "I know what she's trying to do...Ichika is trying to get in the way of you confessing to Uesugi-san!" Rokuro heard Yotsuba say as he had made it to the top of the mountain, his eyes immediately turned to look at Futaro who was right beside him.

"Say wha?" Rokuro said in confusion as he looked over at Futaro, whose eyes were wide open.

"What did you say?" Futaro asked, Yotsuba turned on a dime, her eyes wide with disbelief.

"Did...did you hear what I said..Uesugi-san?" She asked, Rokuro watched the scene in bewilderment, unsure of what he just heard, he heard a slight sniffle come from Miku and she suddenly bolted the other way, his eyes widened and he sprinted forward, chasing after her. He then realized that he had run after her without thinking, he didn't know what he was going to say but he had to help. Miku was his friend, she had even gone as far as to try to help him figure out his feelings, granted he also was helping her with Futaro, but she didn't have to do it for him.

"Miku-rin, wait!!!" He called after her as he sprinted down the mountain after her, she didn't respond, still running.

"How is she so fast..I swear I was faster than this." Rokuro muttered to himself, he realized he was tired from the long walk up so he wasn't at his best and groaned, trying to pick up the pace. He knew where she was headed, she was going to take the bus back to the hotel and lock herself in the room.

"Miku-rin!!!" He called again, she still didn't answer and he growled, angry at Ichika for pushing her this far, he'd have to do something about her later, he willed his body to speed up just as Miku got to the bottom of the hill and sprinted on the bus, jumping in after her. He walked over to her and took a seat right next to her in the back of the bus.

"Miku-rin?" He hesitantly asked, he couldn't see her face through her hair but could hear soft sobs from her, he didn't know what to do.

"Futaro-kun knows now..." Miku muttered, Rokuro knew exactly what she was talking about, Yotsuba had blurted out that Ichika was trying to get in between Miku and Futaro's potential relationship as he and the man of the hour were reaching the top. He knew if he had heard everything then Futaro surely had as well.

"Isn't that a good thing? There's no reason to hold back now, you can love him with everything now, Miku-rin." Rokuro said in an effort to comfort her, but she only shook her head.

"I can't...not when I'm up against Ichika...and Nino.." Miku said in a harsh tone, Rokuro scowled slightly, he wanted to help her, but he had no way to divert their attention away from Futaro at the moment.

"After what Ichika-nee pulled, I doubt she'll try again, I may not be able to help with Nino, but I'll figure out how to help you, we can still fix this Miku-rin." Rokuro said with determination, Miku slowly looked up at him, staring at him for a moment before looking back down. He knew nothing he said would cheer her up but he didn't care, he wanted to help.

"It's not on the same scale as what you have to deal with, but I'm still trying to figure out which of my memories is real." Rokuro said, clenching his fists together.

"With the girl? Have you gotten any closer to figuring it out?" She asked.

"Barely, all I know is that me and Futaro met her here in Kyoto 5 years ago. So I'm hoping to see her here." He answers, Miku stared downward, seemingly lost in thought.

"What did she look like? Use that to find her." Miku offered, it took a little thought but Rokuro was able to conjure up a memory of her in his mind.

"She had long pink hair, blue eyes, and she always wore a long white dress." He said, looking up in thought.

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