Chapter Three, Rebellious Effort

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              As Rokuro left the room, Futaro wondered about what he had seen on his neck, it had very clearly been a scar, and a nasty one. He walked off to class, wondering if that had come from before. He didn't have any distractions from those 5 girls or Rokuro so he was free to study and work hard at will. He paid close attention to all his studies and before he knew it, the end of the day had come, and now he had a new problem, Itsuki Nakano.

"Touko hasn't gotten the chance to talk to her...not that I know of, I have to figure a way to fix this on my own.." Futaro mumbled to himself, he was unsure of how to go about fixing the situation, if it wasn't Rokuro then he didn't know how to properly talk to people. As he was leaving the building he took notice of the girls from earlier, except this time Rokuro was with them, he was sitting on a ledge while the girls all looked up at him.

"He's kinda skinny, doesn't look like he could do much." The girl with the butterfly ribbons said.

"Now now, be nice Nino, I'm sure he's plenty capable." The short haired girl called Ichika said, Futaro watched the scene in confusion, not understanding the context.

"I can show how strong I am." Rokuro said simply, hopping off the ledge and clenching his fist, immediately Itsuki walked over to him, grabbing his hand.

"I'd rather you not hurt yourself, Rokuro-kun." She said warily.

"I won't!" He reasoned, but Itsuki gave him a look that made him sigh and cross his arms.

"I was gonna do something cool too..." He grumbled, Futaro smiled, his friend that had once been a broken child has grown into a man of fine character, though he seemed to still be dealing with things if the incident in the cafeteria was telling of anything. He realized that they were walking away and quickly followed them, still thinking of how to fix the situation. He tailed them all the way to a massive apartment complex that seemingly climbed into the sky itself, he could just barely see the top.

"Would you like to come inside Touko-kun?" Ichika asked, it quickly dawned on him that this was their home.

"Hey you. You're stalking us." A voice said beside Futaro, he looked to his left and saw the girl with the headphones looking up at him, he stared at her a minute until she brought out her phone.

"I'm calling the police." She said simply.

"No no! Please don't do that! Look, I need to talk to Itsuki, please don't.." Futaro said quickly, the girl stared at him for a moment before sighing and putting her phone away.

"Do what you want." She said as she walked off, Futaro breathed a sigh of relief until he saw Rokuro staring dead at him, they locked eyes and had a silent conversation, it was quick but thorough. After a moment Rokuro smiled and went back to talking to the girls, Futaro noticed that Itsuki was entering the building and followed after her, dashing past the others and trying to get in the elevator with her but he was too late. As her elevator closed he dashed into the other one and tried to anticipate which floor she was going to, settling on the top floor. As he rose up he prayed he was right, he also thought about what he would say to her if he had guessed correctly, but he couldn't think of anything that would be likely to win her favor so he decided to wing it. As the door opened he saw Itsuki walking past, she took notice of him and immediately grimaced, backing away.

"Why are you here?!" She demanded, immediately his mind went blank and he lost any remnant of whatever idea he was going to say.

"Uh...I live here! Yea..." He lied, immediately regretting it.

"You live here?" She said, obviously not believing it, but he had dug this hole and had to stick with it.

"Yup." He said quickly, she stared at him for a moment, seemingly studying his face, he couldn't take it anymore and sighed, coming clean.

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