Chapter Twelve, The First Exam

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Futaro had stayed over another night, it had been the night before exams so he had offered to stay again to study more, Nino was opposed to it as usual, but surprisingly, Itsuki approved of the idea. So they all had studied together until they passed out from exhaustion, when Rokuro was suddenly woken up by extreme shaking.

"Touko, get up!!! We're late to school!!" Futaro's voice said urgently, Rokuro sat up and looked at the clock before it clicked to him, he jumped up and quickly got ready before helping the others rush to get ready. They all hurried out the door, with Yotsuba overtaking them all because Rokuro was helping Miku keep up with the rest of them.

"We gotta go, we'll be late to exams at this rate!!!" Futaro called, but the girls were all doing their own things, Miku went off to help an old lady cross the street, Nino was worrying about her makeup, and Yotsuba was gone.

"Hasn't there been a disciplinary teacher at the gate the past few days? He looks really scary, if we don't make it, we might not even get to take the exam..." Ichika pointed out.

"I can't do it...I can't take another step, I'm so hungry..." Itsuki muttered from behind them.

"Itsuki-tan, we don't have time to-" Itsuki cut Rokuro off.

"I will not move unless I get something to eat!" Itsuki shouted, Rokuro sighed, annoyed that she was a 17 year old girl throwing a tantrum about food. They all stopped at a small cafe, Rokuro waited outside with Nino, Miku, and Ichika while Itsuki and Futaro got something. Suddenly a blonde boy walked up to them, tears in his eyes.

"What he lost?" Nino asked.

"<I mommy..>" The boy said in English, the quints faces dropped but Rokuro knelt down and ruffled the kid's hair.

"<Did you get separated from your mom around here?>" Rokuro asked in perfect English, he heard gasps behind him and looked back to see the quints staring at him wide eyed.

"You can speak English?" Ichika asked.

"I lived in America for 5 years, I had to learn it." Rokuro replied.

"<Where is..the hospital?>" The boy asked.

"Did he say hospital?" Miku questioned with surprise, Rokuro thought for a moment before getting an idea.

"I'll take him to the hospital, you all get to school, if you can't make it in time, call me." Rokuro instructed before turning around.

"<Get on my back kiddo, I'll take you to the hospital.>" Rokuro said, the boy hesitantly got on his back and Rokuro stood up, propping the boy up before he took off running, he zipped through the streets, arriving at the hospital in no time flat. He got the boy to his mother and walked outside, stretching.

"Alright..i don't have to hold back, I can let it all out." Rokuro said, crouching down before pressing off the ground, breaking into a full sprint as he ran to school, the hospital was close by so he got there quickly, making it just before the bell rang for class. As he got to school, he ran into Yotsuba who was on her phone talking to someone.

"Oh hey Rokuro-san! Uesugi-san and I were just talking about you." Yotsuba said happily.

"Yotsuba-chii, hand me the phone." Rokuro said, she passed him the phone and he put it up to his ear.

"Futaro, how are you all gonna get in here?" Rokuro asked.

"I was gonna have the girls disguise as Yotsuba, for myself I don't know." Futaro responded, Rokuro smiled as he remembered something.

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