Chapter Fifty-Eight, Who Do You Love?

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-Futaro, The Second Day-

The second day of the festival, Futaro was in slightly higher spirits, he was walking out his house when suddenly he saw Rokuro walking up to him.

"Just the man I wanted to see!" Rokuro called as he walked up.

"Kazuhiro, why aren't you with the girls?" Futaro questioned.

"They're fine for a morning, it won't kill them to not see my gorgeous face for a morning." Rokuro teased.

"Well someone's become confident." Futaro said with a light smile.

"I'm in a good mood, I went and talked to their father last night and he said he would acknowledge whatever relationship we choose to have with the girls." Rokuro said with a cheeky grin, Futaro blinked twice and sighed.

"You can have whoever you want, I'm not picking anyone." Futaro said, Rokuro's eyes widened and he slugged Futaro in the shoulder.

"Ow!!! What was that for!?!!" Futaro shouted.

"Come on man, don't say you're picking no one, that hurts everyone more than it helps." Rokuro scolds, Futaro looked away and sighed.

"What else am I supposed to do? This is the only answer I can think of." He says after a minute.

"No, this is the only answer you can think of because you're trying too hard to make them all happy. I perfectly understand your motive and sentiment, but Futaro, instead of trying to make them happy, make yourself happy. Be selfish and choose the girl who will make you the happiest." Rokuro said sternly, he saw the realization hit Futaro's face and smiled, putting his arm around his shoulder.

"Come on Fu-kun, we got a festival to attend!" Rokuro teased, Futaro's face flushed red and he scowled.

"That sounds weird coming out of you! I hope I never hear those words in your voice ever again!!!" Futaro retorted, Rokuro laughed until there were tears and together they walked to school, arriving after a few minutes. As they entered the school gates Futaro pulled Rokuro off to the side.

"A heads up, so I guess the girls' biological father has shown up at the festival." Futaro explained, Rokuro sighed and nodded, crossing his arms.

"Your dad told me before I left yesterday, I've been keeping an eye out for him, if Itsuki is here and he goes for her, I'll stop him." Rokuro said sternly, Futaro noticed a vein building in Rokuro's head and arm and shuddered, he hadn't seen him fight in anger in six years, so it would be a spectacle to see.

"I'm gonna go look around for some work, I'll see you later, let me know if anything happens." Futaro said before walking off, not much of not happened throughout the day, he surprisingly didn't have much work so he just walked around idly. This kept up until it began to lean into an afternoon, when suddenly he got a text from Miku to meet him at the school entrance, he quickly walked over and found her waiting, she looked annoyed.

"What is this about Miku? I'm kinda busy-" Miku cut him off.

"Come with me, Futaro." She said sternly, walking into the school.

"Huh? Where to?" Futaro asked.

"The roof." She replied flatly.

"We're not supposed to be up there!" Futaro said, but she kept walking.

"I know, but I can't take this anymore." She said sternly, walking up the stairs to the roof.

"Take what!?" Futaro demanded, as they made it to the roof, he saw a boy and a girl in the corner arguing.

"Just admit it, you girls were all cackling to yourselves because our stand burned down, we know you were!!!" The boy roared.

"What!?!! No one ever said or did that, stop assuming things because you're mad you're standing burned!!!" The girl retorted.

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