Chapter Fifty, If The Final Festival Was Nino's

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-Nino, The Second Day-

The second day of the festival was nearing its end, Itsuki had approached her about a situation concerning their biological father, and after some talk about it, they agreed to meet him on the final day. Now they were sitting together a ways away from the stalls, with Nino waiting for their dad.

"It's the second day and the pancake stall has skyrocketed in sales.." Itsuki muttered in awe.

"For some reason, it's become the center of attention." Nino replied flatly.

"Hey, this wouldn't happen to be Uesugi-kun and your class' stall, would it?" A voice said, Nino perked up and looked up to see her manager from Revival and someone else she recognized as Miku's manager. A look of disappointment passed across her face before she smiled.

"Oh, you came!" She said with false happiness.

"Why did you look so disappointed? Doesn't matter, the kid who came in on the first day told me that Nino-chan was dancing in a cute outfit!" Her manager said with a smile.

"Huh? I didn't notice him.." Nino muttered.

"Is your injury all better now sir?" Itsuki asked her manager.

"Yep! I'm fully healed, come visit anytime, May-sama!" He replied.

"I-I have no clue what you're talking about." Itsuki replied flatly.

"But even so, it's still too early for you to be riding your bike again.." Miku's manager warned.

"If you're that worried, I won't give you a ride on the way back~" Her manager teased as the two of them walked away.

"It's like I want to!" Miku's manager retorted, and just like that they were gone.

"I thought that was dad for a moment.." Itsuki muttered, but Nino was just disappointed, she had wanted their dad to come, but she knew that he wouldn't show. She went back to the pancake stand and continued working, letting the day fade into a sunset. As she kept on working, she heard a clamor of voices off to the left, she looked over to find a group forming.

"Huh? Where'd the bike come from?" A voice said.

"That's so cool.." Another muttered.

"But..who's is it?" A different voice said. Nino walked to the center of the crowd to find a familiar looking bike in the middle.

"What the-" A voice cut her off.

"I'm getting tired of waiting, Nino, come with me." Futaro said sternly as he stood on the bike. Nino scowled and looked away, clenching her fists.

"I'm not going..even though he read the invitation, he still didn't come. He doesn't care about us at all. There's still one more day of the school festival, but I don't care anymore. I'm starting to regret wishing for something that will never come true!" Nino shouted, letting her anger at her dad show, she was bitter that she had gone to all the trouble to invite him, and he still hadn't come.

"Look Nino...I don't really know your family's history..all I know is that your relationship with your father isn't exactly normal. But on the other hand, do you know..that his discontent and wariness of Kazuhiro and I, is terrifying? That can only be a fathers watchful eye, he wouldn't act like that if he didn't care about you guys. So I'm gonna complain to him, that you guys are a real pain." Futaro said sternly.

"Heeeeeey! Uesugi-kun!" A voice shouted from behind her, Nino turned and saw a girl from their class coming up to them.

"I found that guy you asked for, when I rewatched the camera recordings, I found someone who matched your description, so I thought it might be him." She said, showing Futaro an Ipad screen.

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