Chapter Fifty-Five, Lesson Five

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-Itsuki, The Second Day-

The final school event was upon them, the sunrise festival, and Itsuki was spending her morning studying. She was aspiring to become a teacher, so she wanted to do as well as she could on the exam after the festival. After Nino's performance, she had been sitting in a corner of the cafeteria by herself while she studied quietly, that was until Rokuro walked up.

"Oh, hello Rokuro-kun." Itsuki said as she took notice of him.

"Why are you sitting all alone, Itsuki-tan?" He asked as he sat down across from her.

"I'm just doing some work, it's nothing strenuous." She replied, he stared at her for a moment before frowning.

"Why don't you come have fun at the festival? We can walk around, get food, play games at the stalls, it would be a lot more fun than sitting here." Rokuro offered, she smiled but shook her head.

"Thank you for the offer, Rokuro-kun. But if I'm to achieve my dream, I must focus on these problems." She answered, Rokuro blinked twice before smiling.

"Ya know, I'm proud of you." He said suddenly, making Itsuki blush a bit.

"W-whatever for?" She asked.

"Well, you found something you want to do, and you're taking it seriously, that requires dedication and discipline, and that deserves praise. At least I think so." Rokuro answered as he crossed his arms and nodded to himself proudly. She stared at him curiously for a moment, wondering why he seemed more proud of it then she did, before snickering and laughing.

"What? I say something strange?" Rokuro questioned.

"Not at all Rokuro-kun, you're just a far cry from the boy who was once looking for a girl that hurt him all those years ago." Itsuki replied with a smile, Rokuro blushed slightly and looked away, rubbing his neck nervously.

"That was sudden, but thanks Itsuki-tan. I don't feels like..ever since we returned to the apartment and I began to develop my feelings, it feels like my whole world has's not as black and white as I once saw it, I could feel things, see true colors, understand things with a different perspective rather than my shattered mind deciding everything is bad...I guess love can heal." He said softly, looking off to the side out the window, she stared at him for a moment before blushing, shaking herself out of her trance.

"Itsuki-tan, are you okay?" Rokuro asked worriedly, standing up to walk over to her, she nodded quickly.

"I'm fine, I'm fine! I just feel a bit hot.." She replied.

"If you say so..I'm gonna go find Futaro, I'll come check up on you in a little bit, bye Itsuki-tan!" Rokuro said with a wave.

"Goodbye Rokuro-kun." She said, waving back at him, and just like that she was alone. She worked silently throughout the day on problem sets, working studiously until suddenly Futaro came up to her.

"Itsuki? What are you doing?" He asked.

"I've been studying." She answered simply.

"Huh?! You've been on your own the entire day? Are you...are you okay studying all the time?  Do you have any friends? If you want, you can always come to me for advice." Futaro said condescendingly.

"You are the last person I want to hear that from." Itsuki retorted.

"Hey hey! Even I'm getting into the school spirit a little..but I don't understand it. With all the studying you're doing, even a dunderhead like you should be showing some semblance of improvement." Futaro said with a long sigh.

"Well I'm sorry that I'm dumber than you could ever imagine! You said three o'clock correct? Alright, I'll finish these problem sets by then, and you won't see me in the classroom until then!!!" Itsuki declared, Futaro stared at her quizzically before sighing.

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