Chapter Ten, There's A Thousand Reasons

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              Rokuro and Ichika had returned that night in high spirits, Rokuro hoped that it would only go up from there. The next day Rokuro had left early to go see Futaro, they were walking to school together when they ran into Ichika.

"Ichika-nee? You're a ways away from the apartment." Rokuro said in surprise.

"I came out here to see Futaro-kun, I had an idea. We should exchange email addresses!" Ichika said happily, holding up her phone. Rokuro and Futaro looked at each other quizzically, before looking back at Ichika.

"What for?" Futaro questioned.

"Well you are our tutor after all, shouldn't you be able to get a hold of us in case something comes up? And Touko-kun, you're our steadfast defender, you should definitely have our emails." Ichika reasoned, Rokuro thought a bit before nodding.

"Makes sense, alright." Rokuro said before he and Ichika exchanged addresses, as did Futaro and Ichika, after that the three of them walked to school together. Rokuro's first class wasn't with anyone he knew, so he sat there and looked out the window, thinking about his old friends. Before long, he was heading to the library, Futaro had told him to meet him there. As he traversed the halls he ran into Itsuki who was walking with some friends.

"Oh hello Rokuro-kun, heading to class?" Itsuki asked, he nodded and smiled.

"Nah, I'm going to the library, but I was just walking around a bit first, oh yea. Itsuki-tan, you want my email address?" Rokuro replied, Itsuki stared at him for a moment before bringing her phone out.

"I suppose so." She answered, as she and Rokuro exchanged addresses, he noticed Itsuki's friends staring at him curiously.

"Something the matter?" He asked, they both jumped in surprise, like they weren't expecting him to talk to them.

"O-oh no! We were just wondering if you were Nakano-san's boyfriend." They replied, he and Itsuki looked at each other before blushing.

"No I'm not, I'm just her friend. Though Itsuki-tan is really cute." He said teasingly as he nudged her shoulder, her face turned the color of velvet as she shoved him lightly.

"D-don't say things like that Rokuro-kun!" Itsuki pouted, Rokuro laughed and patted her on the head with a smile.

"I'll see you later, Itsuki-tan." He said with a wave before he left, as he went into the library he saw Ichika, Miku, and Yotsuba sitting around Futaro.

"There you are Touko." Futaro said with a light smile.

"Why do you only smile when Touko-kun is around?" Ichika asked, crossing her arms as she feigned being angry.

"Because I have no reason to smile around you all! You annoy the hell out of me!" Futaro spat, the girls sighed and Rokuro walked over to him, karate chopping him on the head.

"Be nice Futaro." Rokuro scolded.

"Anyways, Yotsuba, Miku, why don't you give Futaro-kun and Rokuro-kun your email addresses?" Ichika offered.

"Okay! We totally should!" Yotsuba said happily.

"I don't really care either way. I see no reason for-" Futaro paused as he looked down at his phone, Rokuro caught a glimpse of a picture that seemed like it was taken at a top down angle, it was Futaro, fast asleep on Ichika's lap. Futaro grimaced and glared at Ichika.

"I suddenly want to know everyone's address!" Futaro said with a forced smile, Rokuro laughed and patted Futaro on the shoulder.

"You got this Futaro, the hardest one I think would be Nino." Rokuro said, Futaro sighed and nodded slowly, they both exchanged addresses with Miku before Yotsuba jumped up and declared she would lead them to Itsuki and Nino.

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