Chapter Forty-Two, A Fresh Start

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(I'm sure many don't know, but today is my birthday, I've done a lot of contemplating about this, and I've decided for my birthday that I would give all of you something instead! As a special gift, I've decided to release a chapter early! This will not disrupt the format of when chapters release in the future, Chapter Forty-Three, titled The Fourth Sister, will release the upcoming Thursday on schedule. I hope you enjoy!)

-Rokuro, Six Years Ago-

They were gone, all of them were gone, his entire family, dead before he could say anything to them. Rokuro had been returned to the hospital in a hurry, but had stopped answering any question they asked him. A few days had gone by and Rokuro had become completely unresponsive, his mind had been broken apart.

"Will he be alright?" Rokuro heard Isanari ask.

"It's hard to say, with the extreme physical and mental stress he's been put under, he may never be the same again. There's something else as well, apparently he had no surviving family members, they've all passed away, he's an orphan." A doctor said, Rokuro looked at them with dead eyes, he was going to go into foster care.

"Kazuhiro?" A voice said, Rokuro looked over and saw Futaro standing next to him.

"Futaro don't-" Isanari started to say but suddenly Rokuro spoke.

"'re okay." He said slowly and quietly.

"He spoke to him.." The doctor said in awe.

"I'm sorry about everything that happened, if I had tried to help with Hachi then..." Futaro trailed off, looking down dejectedly.

"It's was my fault for-" Rokuro suddenly froze, standing right next to Futaro, was Hachiro, but his eyes were black, and he was on fire.

"IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT!!!" He shouted, Rokuro's eyes widened and he backed up, climbing off the bed and putting his back to the wall.

" I'm sorry!!!" Rokuro said, tears streaming down his cheeks immediately.

"Kazuhiro, what's wrong?!" Futaro asked, running over to him, the doctor and Isanari ran over to him as well, trying to see what was wrong. One by one, Rokuro's family appeared in front of him, reaching out to him.

"IT SHOULD'VE BEEN YOU!!!" They roared in unison, Rokuro screamed and instinctively clutched onto Isanari, holding onto him tightly as he trembled.

"Something is seriously wrong, do you know what's happening?" Isanari asked Futaro.

"Kazuhiro, what's wrong? Do you see something over there?" Futaro asked, pointing in the direction that Rokuro's family was in.

"T-t-they're there...I can see them...I'm sorry.." Rokuro muttered.

"Hallucinations..? It seems his stress is causing him to see things, we'll need to run some tests." The doctor said, Isanari and the doctor led Rokuro out of the room, taking him to an examination room and performing a CT scan and a brain scan. Futaro and Isanari sat with him the entire time, a small girl sleeping in Isanari's lap the entire time.

"Kazuhiro, are you able to tell me what happened that day?" Isanari asked, but Rokuro didn't respond.

"Kazuhiro, what happened when you left with that girl? I don't know which one you left with." Futaro asked, Rokuro looked over at him.

"Nino..." He muttered, clenching his fists.

"It was Nino you left with? Didn't you like her?" Futaro responded.

"She..what did I..." Rokuro muttered.

"What happened?" Futaro asked again.

"She..I was trying to-" Rokuro was cut off by a group of policemen walking into the room.

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