Chapter Thirty-Two, The Day of Six

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The day after returning from the hot springs, Futaro had come to Rokuro to talk about what had happened the last day they were there, as they were sitting in the living room talking, Futaro brought up something that surprised him.

"..And after that, one of them kissed me." He said after a second, making Rokuro spit out the water he was drinking.

"Excuse me?!" He exclaimed.

"You're disgusting...but yea, and I don't know who it was either. Do you have any idea?" Futaro asked, Rokuro closed his eyes and concentrated, thinking for a moment.

"I have no clue, I wasn't paying attention when one of them left." Rokuro replied with a shrug.

"That's another goose chase I have to go on..which one of them was it?" Futaro asked, but it was more to himself than Rokuro.

"I think it won't be that hard. I can pick up on when they're acting weird, if one of them kissed you, i'll know. Oh but speaking of, I wanna see if they can tell us apart again, would you be so kind as to help me dear brother?" Rokuro asked, Futaro sighed and nodded. Rokuro stood up and grabbed his school clothes, putting them on and arranging them exactly like Futaro's before matting down his hair and sweeping it off to the side.

"This freaks me out, it's like looking in a mirror, but I can physically touch my reflection." Futaro muttered.

"Oh come on, you gotta admit it's a good disguise." Rokuro replied, he sat down next to Futaro and assumed a similar sitting position to him, they sat there for a moment before the bedroom door opened. To Rokuro's surprise, Itsuki walked out first.

"Good morning Rokuro-ku- what are you two doing?" She asked, taking notice of them. Futaro and Rokuro looked at each other silently before looking up at her again.

"Twin game." They said in unison, Itsuki stared at them quizzically before disappearing into the room again, he heard shuffling and one by one the girls all filed out of the room.

"What is this about Itsuki..?" Nino muttered as she rubbed her eyes.

'There's two...Uesugi-sans?" Yotsuba questioned, making the others shake off their fatigue and look at them.

"Is this payback for in the mountains?" Ichika asked.

"Maybe." They both replied.

"Well you two are pretty much in sync, and it seems like Kazuhiro-kun has touched up his Fu-kun act. So what, you want us to figure out who you are?" Nino asked.

"Yes, we want you to identify us, like we did you." Futaro answered.

"Rokuro-san never had to tell us apart.." Yotsuba muttered.

"Yes he did, Kazuhiro told me about the quintuplet game you five played on him at the inn." Rokuro replied, mentally shuddering at referring to himself in third person.

"Well then you're Futaro-kun." Ichika said simply, pointing at Rokuro.

"Please wait a minute Ichika, they could be mixing it up to try and confuse us. Who's to say they won't talk in third person to try to confuse us?" Itsuki reasoned.

"Not bad." They said in unison.

We're going to separate them. Miku and Yotsuba, you take the Futaro on the left and question him in the room, Itsuki, Ichika, and I will question this one." Nino instructed, Futaro and Rokuro looked at each other as Futaro stood up and followed Miku and Yotsuba into the room.

"So how are we going to do this?" Ichika asked.

"Fu-kun, what is your birthday?" Nino asked.

"My birthday is April fifthteenth." Rokuro replied simply.

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