Chapter Forty-Three, The Fourth Sister

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-Yotsuba, current day-

"I remember..I remember it..." Rokuro muttered, Yotsuba stared at him in surprise and disbelief, she knew that ever since the trip was mentioned that Rokuro would try his hardest to remember here in Kyoto. But now she was scared, she didn't know how much he remembered.

"Does he know?" Itsuki whispered to her. Itsuki knew the truth about her, Yotsuba had told her back before she and Nino had left.

"I'm not sure." Yotsuba responded nervously.

"You remember it all? Like about the past?" Miku asked.

" was Nino.." Rokuro muttered.

"Is that why you hugged me!?" Nino exclaimed, her face flushing bright red. Rokuro paused for a moment and his face reddened a bit, slowly nodding.

"So then...what exactly happened?" Ichika questioned, Rokuro stood up and dusted himself off.

"We can save that for later, but for now, we should probably get going. I'm sure you all are gonna have questions, and I don't wanna get left behind by the class." Rokuro replied, turning around and walking off. The girls all let out sighs of exasperation and followed him, Yotusba and Itsuki trailing behind.

"What are you going to do? You know he'll probably tell Uesugi-kun." Itsuki said, making Yotsuba freeze.

"I'll have to beg him no to, I can't let Uesugi-san know it was me..." Yotsuba muttered, looking away.

"Why is it so important that he doesn't know? Don't you think he deserves to remember?" Itsuki questioned.

"He does...but I don't..I don't want to disappoint him, finding out that I was the girl he met would be so disappointing, ya know?" Yotsuba replied, forcing a smile.

"Yotsuba, that wouldn't be disappointing at all, both of you deserve this. You need to tell him." Itsuki said sternly, but Yotsuba shook her head.

"I'm sorry...I can't.." She muttered, running off. She ran ahead of her sisters and past Rokuro when suddenly he grabbed her hand.

"Yotsuba-chii, can we talk later? There's something I need to tell you that I think you should know." He said, making her pause, her eyes widened but she quickly regained her composure and nodded.

"Sure! I'll see you later Rokuro-san!" She said happily, running ahead until she saw Futaro and stopped, he was leaning against the bus that they were supposed to be taking back. To anyone else he'd look like a regular highschool student, but to her, he was everything. She stared at him for a moment in awe, it was like she had been entranced.

"What are you doing, Yotsuba?" Nino's voice came from behind her, she turned around and saw that they had caught up to her. She and Itsuki locked eyes for a moment, Itsuki silently pleading with her to say something, but she shook her head.

"I just spaced out, that's all, I'm fine!" She said with a pump of her fist in the air.

"She was admiring Futaro." Rokuro teased, making her blush a bit.

"Hey! I was not!" She retorted, making Rokuro laugh.

"She just assaulted him with her eyes." He said as he walked past her, patting her head. Her face reddened more and she pouted, crossing her arms.

"Why's Yotsuba so mad?" Futaro's voice said, she looked over and saw that he had taken notice of them and was walking over.

"Oh just because we caught her ogling you." Rokuro said.

"Rokuro-san! I was not!" Yotsuba exclaimed, pushing him and making him laugh.

"I'm sorry Yotsuba-chii, I'll stop." He replied before hugging her, a gesture which surprised her.

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