Chapter Fifteen, Who Am I

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After the test of courage, Rokuro returned to the lodges, sitting down at a table and sighing, that's when Futaro walked up to him after talking to the quints with the most concerned look on his face.

" okay?" Rokuro asked.

" not at all. I've gotten myself stuck." Futaro replied, sitting down next to him.

"What did you do this time?" Rokuro said.

"So, you know how I was supposed to dance with Ichika at the bonfire? I ran into Nino on the test of courage, and with that blonde wig I had on, she thinks I was someone else. She saw that photo of me from 5 years ago, and I lied and said it was a relative, but when she saw me, she thought I was that relative, she asked me to dance with her and said she'll be waiting." Futaro explained. Rokuro stared at him blankly for a minute, processing the information.

"How do you get yourself into that?!!" Rokuro exclaimed.

"I don't know! It just sort of happened!" Futaro retorted.

"I don't know how to help you, how did she even see a photo of you in the first place? It was five-" Rokuro stopped as he felt a heavy pressure in his chest, he clutched his chest tightly, breathing heavily. He heard Futaro say something, presumably his name, but he wasn't sure. His vision was completely black, but he heard laughing in his ears and felt hands clawing at his body, as if they were trying to pull him down.

"Touko-kun!!!" A voice shouted, he looked up warily, his vision was still dark, but he saw six figures standing over him. It was the quintuplets and Futaro, it had to be.

"Fu...taro.." He groaned, reaching his hand out to the blackness, the 5 figures moved over and one reached out, grabbing his hand.

"Touko!!!" He heard Futaro shout, his vision broke and he saw Futaro kneeling down next to him, his hands closed around Rokuro's tightly. The girls were sitting down next to him, looking at him worriedly.

"Did you have a daymare, Rokuro-san?" Yotsuba asked, helping him up.

"Yea...ah my head..." He muttered, clutching his head.

"Do you see anything when they happen?" Ichika asked, Rokuro paused and slowly shook his head, not wanting to say anything about what he saw.

"My vision usually just goes black and my chest starts to hurt, my body just...stops working." He explains, he pushed off of Yotsuba to stand but his knees buckled and he went down.

"What..? That's never happened before..." Rokuro said in awe.

"Maybe they're getting worse, you have to rest, Rokuro-kun." Itsuki said sternly, Rokuro sighed and nodded slowly.

" you wanna dance with me at the bonfire...Itsuki-tan..?" Rokuro asked sheepishly, his face bright red. It was silent for a moment before Itsuki's face flushed red as well, as did the rest of the girls.

"Huh!?" Nino said in disbelief.

"So bold, Touko-kun.." Ichika said with slight surprise, Itsuki was frozen, like she couldn't believe that she had heard him say it. She looked down for a moment, messing with her hair, before slowly nodding.

"Really Itsuki?!" Nino exclaimed.

"I believe that I am entitled to my own decisions, Nino, without judgment." Itsuki said sternly, her demeanor suddenly changing. She turned to Rokuro and smiled softly.

"I would love to dance with you, Rokuro-kun." She said, Rokuro blushed harder and smiled.

"Alright alright, come on Touko." Futaro said, pulling Rokuro away and helping him to his room with some assistance from Yotsuba. They set him down in the room and made him lay down before Yotsuba left, leaving Rokuro and Futaro alone.

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