Chapter Forty, Dearly Beloved

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The night before the final school trip in Kyoto, both Nino and Rokuro had come to the room to talk to Miku. Nino had given some backwards words of encouragement, and Rokuro had given her honest words of encouragement, he had also told her about everything that's happened. They had talked about it and promised to get Miku to confess before the end of the trip, but now as the time for their trip to end was fast approaching, Miku was unsure if she could keep the promise. As she was getting ready in the morning, Ichika approached her.

"Hey Miku, I know we picked our routes yesterday but can I have route D instead?" She asked, Miku brought out her slip of paper that told the route she was going on today and looked at it, it wasn't anything she was interested in so she handed Ichika her paper.

"Thank you, you get route E then." Ichika said, handing Miku her own paper in return, Miku slipped it into her bag and sighed, wondering if she'd be able to go through with it, she then realized she may not have to if Futaro wasn't on her route. As she walked out the room she noticed Futaro walking down the hall, he was talking about something on the phone but she couldn't quite hear, she wanted to join him and walk together but she froze when she saw Futaro look back at her, she turned around and ran away, running down the hall to the elevator on the other side of the floor.

"I can't do this.." She said with exasperation as she used the elevator to get downstairs, as she exited she noticed Rokuro sitting in the food court eating. She walked over to him and sat down, looking down awkwardly.

"Oh hey Miku-rin, you ready?" He asked, stuffing his face with scrambled eggs.

"I don't think I'll be able to do this Kazuhiro..." Miku said worriedly, Rokuro sighed and pointed his fork at her.

"No fear, do you know what route you're on?" He asked.

"Ichika and I switched, so I'm on route E now." She answered.

"Huh? That's the route me and Futaro are on, even better, now I can help you." He said happily, eating the last of his food.

"I can't do this." Miku said, looking down.

"Miku-rin, it will be alright, I'll be there to help ease the tension. Trust me, okay?" Rokuro told her, patting her on the head, she nodded slowly and they both stood up, walking outside, she followed him out to the buses where she saw Futaro standing there.

"There you are Kazu- Miku." Futaro said, turning his attention to her, she blushed and looked away, silently getting on the bus, as the rest of the group filed in, Rokuro took a seat next to her, Futaro sitting a ways down, Rokuro tapped her shoulder and she looked up at him, his face was scarily close.

"Miku-rin. Trust me, you don't have to be afraid of talking to him." Rokuro said, smiling slightly.

"It's hard to even look at him...what do I do?" She asked sheepishly, Rokuro sighed and looked up.

"I'll figure it out, please trust me." He said with determination in his voice, it made Miku blush a bit, he was really dead set on helping her confess to Futaro. She smiled a bit, happy that if there was anyone to help her, it would be Rokuro. She felt like she could relax a bit, calming her heartbeat a bit. After a long drive they arrived at a studio park that was modeled like a sengoku war period camp, it amazed her.

"Miku-rin come on!" Rokuro said happily, he grabbed her hand and pulled her out the bus. As they got out she noticed that Futaro was still on the bus.

"Kazuhiro I-" Miku started but Rokuro cut her off, his face suddenly deadly serious.

"No saying you can't do this, you can. Listen Miku-rin, take a walk around the place with him, it's based on all the stuff you like, it's perfect. Talk to him about everything to see here, take him everywhere you can. Oh and if you try to run I'll bring you right back to him." Rokuro said sternly, she nodded slowly and looked away, worried if she could do it or not. Rokuro let go of her arm and walked over to Futaro who just got off the bus, it was clear that he was talking about him spending the day with her and after a moment, they walked up to her.

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