Chapter Sixty-Six, The Quintessential Quintuplets

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-Nino, Six Years Later-

It had been six years since Rokuro and Itsuki had left for America, and a lot had happened in that time, Ichika had been traveling the world for her acting, Nino and Futaro had gotten engaged, Nino and Miku had opened a coffee shop together, Yotsuba had excelled in several different sports, growing to become an Olympic gold medalist in a variety of sports. Futaro himself had become a physician and was working with her father, but despite all these achievements, they felt hollow, it wasn't the same without Rokuro and Itsuki there, they hadn't heard from either of them since they left. Today was a special day especially, she and Futaro were getting married, normally she'd be over the moon, but today she just felt sad. She was sitting behind the cash register of her and Miku's coffee shop when the door opened and in walked Ichika and Futaro.

"Well this place looks livelier! Much better than when I left." Ichika said as she walked in.

"Hey, it's always looked good!" Nino spat as she walked from behind the counter, scowling. She and Ichika stared at each other before smiling and hugging each other.

"How have you been?" Nino asked.

"America is great, I worked on a kaiju movie, I'm the main character of all things." Ichika explained.

"She was a hassle and a half to find in the airport, she kept disappearing to different food places." Futaro said with a scowl.

"Hey! I was hungry, it was a eleven hour flight with no layovers, i didn't get to eat anything besides peanuts." Ichika reasoned.

"Ichika, Futaro, would you like something to eat?" Miku's voice came from the back.

"I'll just take a coffee, I'm saving my appetite." Futaro responded.

"I'm fine now, thanks Miku. Anyways, how have you all been, surviving without me?" Ichika asked playfully.

"Everything has been fine for the most part besides Yotsuba coming and getting flocked by people whenever she stops to eat." Nino said with a sigh.

"Sounds rough, any word from those two?" Ichika questioned sternly, immediately the atmosphere of the room dropped.

"No, not yet. You did send Kazuhiro-kun that invitation didn't you?" Nino asked Futaro.

"Yea I did, and I know he got it, he had given me his friend Kamikado's phone number in case I couldn't get ahold of him, and he said he saw Kazuhiro had it on his desk." Futaro explained.

"So they saw it...I wonder if they're coming." Nino muttered.

"Have faith, they'll be here." Futaro said, suddenly the door opened and in walked Yotsuba.

"Sorry I'm late!...I ran here.." She said with a light wheeze.

"You didn't bring paparazzi in here did you?" Nino asked warily.

"Oh yea, I made sure I wasn't followed. Have you heard from Kazuhiro or Itsuki yet?" Yotsuba asked.

"We were just talking about that, no we-" Nino was cut off by the door opening again, this time, in walked in a couple. The woman had short pink hair that stopped at her shoulders with star accessories in her hair, she also wore red rectangular glasses, she was dressed neatly, wearing a shoulderless white blouse that was tucked into brown work pants. Next to her was a man with white hair, purple and violet eyes, and scars peppering his arms and face. His hair was considerably long, reaching down to his shoulders. He had the signs of a stubble showing, a few dark hairs shining in the sun on his chin. He wore a sun and moon necklace and a golden watch, there was a shine of helix earrings glistening through his hair. He wore gray dress pants, a white button down shirt with a gray dress jacket that had the sleeves rolled up to his elbows, and dress pants. The man was exceptionally tall, probably at least six foot five, while the woman was only five foot six, Nino's height. Nino saw everyone just stop and stare at them in shock, but it hadn't hit her yet.

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