Chapter Five, The Guard

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"No way! How is he a good choice to be a bodyguard?!! He won't do anything!!!" Nino spat.

"Unfortunately he already has Nino-chan." Maruo said as he looked at the girls behind Rokuro, Nino's eyes widened a bit and she scoffed, crossing her arms and looking away.

"Besides that, what would I have to do? Is that all?" Rokuro questioned.

"Being a personal guard means being with them at all times, I trust you with this." Maruo said, handing him a keycard. Rokuro took the keycard and looked at it confused, until Itsuki spoke up.

"Uh...why are you giving him the apartment key?" Itsuki asked, the rest of the girls nodded, clearly confused by their fathers gesture.

"Rokuro-kun will be staying with you all." Maruo said plainly, the room was quiet for a second as everyone took in what he said.

"WHAAAAAAAAAT?!?!?!?!" The girls and Rokuro said in unison.

"Why does he have to stay with us?!" Nino shouted in anger.

"Dad, that seems highly unnecessary!" Itsuki agreed.

"I can understand watching them at school, but living with them? That seems a bit much sir!" Rokuro reasoned.

"It's perfectly fine. Understand your boundaries and there will be no problems." Maruo said. He turned around to walk out, on his way stopping to lean close to Rokuro.

"I'd do it, if you don't want the girls to learn about your sins." Maruo whispered before he left, Rokuro's skin went ghost white as he dropped to his knees, breathing heavily.

"Rokuro-kun?! What's wrong!?" Itsuki said as she rushed over to him, he had his hand on his chest, his vision was swimming, he knew. He knew. Rokuro clenched his fist, angry. Only a few people were supposed to know, but somehow their father knew. He took a deep breath to try and calm himself, standing up.

"I'm fine.." He said, steadying himself, he sighed and began to walk away, heading towards class. On his way he heard the sound of footsteps running behind him and an incoherent yell, he turned around and instinctively ducked as two of the girls from before ran at him with their arms held together, trying to clothesline him.

"What the-'' One of the girls started to say but didn't have time to finish as he tripped one of them and brought both of them down, making them roll on the ground. They stood up and growled as he stood with his fist clenched at them.

"You're picking a fight with me? Good, I'm actually glad...I got some shit to work through." Rokuro said with a malicious smile, the girl's faces immediately pale and they turned around, running off.

"Woah..." He heard behind him, he turned around and saw the quints standing behind him.

"That was cool, you scared them off." Ichika said as she slow clapped sarcastically.

"You just gotta know what to say to scare them, it isn't hard." Rokuro said with a light smile. He took notice of Miku staring at him curiously, she never spoke to him so he didn't know exactly what to make of her, or what she was like.

"Why are you eyeing Miku?" Nino said harshly, putting her hand in front of her sister.

"What do you mean eyeing? I'm trying to get a read on her, she's the only one of you that I've never directly talked to." Rokuro replied, Nino scoffed and began to walk away.

"Do you like knowing things about people Touko-kun?" Ichika asked.

"Well yea, I have zero trust in people, so I like to learn as much as I can about them before I decide to trust them." Rokuro explained, Itsuki turned to him, eyes slightly widened.

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