Chapter Twenty-Three, With My Feelings

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With Rokuro's realization about his feelings, he decided to put them on the back burner to focus on helping the girls, he had more than enough time to figure out what he wanted. He and Futaro had worked the girls through the weekend until the day of exams. They walked into school on the day of exams, spirits high.

"You girls got it this time. You'll pass, I believe in you all." Rokuro said confidently.

"Thank you Tou- Kazuhiro-kun. It's so weird to know what? I'm gonna call you Kazu-kun!" Ichika announced, Rokuro sighed and nodded.

"If you want, go for it. Where's Futaro?" Rokuro asked.

"Calling Raiha-chan." Itsuki replied.

"Right now? You'd think he'd wait until exams were done.." Rokuro said, crossing his arms.

"I suppose it couldn't have waited, he even had to borrow my phone to do it." Itsuki said simply.

"I guess we can't do anything about it, we might as well go and get to exams." Rokuro said, putting his hands in his pockets, he watched as the girls did the thing where they lace their thumbs and pinkies together, smiling as he looked at them all before he and Itsuki walked off to start their exams.

"Do you really think we can pass?" She asked.

"I have a strong feeling about it. I know you girls can do it." Rokuro said with determination, the exams went by quickly, as usual, and before long the school day was over, he walked home with Itsuki to find the other girls waiting for them in the living room.

"Oh you're all already here." Rokuro said, walking over to them and popping a squat next to Miku.

"Kazuhiro...we failed again." Miku muttered, Rokuro stared at them in disbelief before sighing.

"We'll just regroup and try again. No need to beat yourselves up over it." Rokuro said simply.

"You're not upset?" Nino asked.

"Why would I be upset? Sure I want you all to pass but I'm not gonna yell at you all for not passing, though Futaro might. All I can say is, just try to do better next time, learn from the past and grow." Rokuro answered, a smile on his face, suddenly the doorbell rang, Itsuki walked over to open the door and in walked an elderly looking man.

"Ebata-san? Why are you here?" Yotsuba asked quizzically.

"Hello girls, Rokuro-sama." The man called Ebata said.

"Who's this?" Rokuro asked.

"That is Ebata-san, our father's personal driver." Itsuki replied, Rokuro looked at the old man curiously.

"I am here today as your personal tutor for today." Ebata said.

"Huh? Is Futaro sick?" Miku asked.

"Unfortunately, Futaro Uesugi-sama is no longer your private tutor. So I will be filling in until a new tutor is found." Ebata said grimly.

"Wait a second, this is some sort of joke right?" Miku said as she laughed awkwardly.

"Geez, stop with the bad jokes!" Ichika said cheerfully.

"It is true. Your father called me himself, Uesugi-sama's contract was dissolved the day of the finals." He answered, Rokuro's eyes widened with disbelief.

"Huh? You mean..Futaro-kun isn't coming over anymore..?" Ichika questioned, eyes wide.

"I should've known...the fail condition was still in place." Nino said, clenching her hands together.

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