Chapter Sixteen, Touko Rokuro

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              It wasn't until the next day that Rokuro had found out about the Ichika and Futaro incident in the shed from Itsuki.

"He's so improper Rokuro-kun, why do you even enjoy his company?" Itsuki said sternly as they got ready for the skiing part of the day.

"Maybe it's bias, I've always seen him as my older brother, so maybe I'm more willing to forgive what he does, but he is a good person Itsuki-tan, you just haven't caught him at the best times." Rokuro reasoned.

"The fact that I've caught him in those times at all is telling enough!" Itsuki retorted, Rokuro held his hands up in surrender.

"Nino is someone who tries to hit and drug people who come into your home, would you argue that she's a bad person as well?" He asked, Itsuki paused for a moment.

"T-that's different!" She replied.

"How is it different? It's the same logic, you imply that she's a good person, yet I've caught her trying to drug my friend, try to frame him for something he didn't do, and then try to hit me because she got found out. 'The fact that I've caught him all those times is telling enough', the opposite applies for Nino as well." Rokuro said sternly, Itsuki looked away, clenching her fists.

"Stop being so smart.." She muttered with a pouty face, he sighed and ruffled her hair, smiling lightly.

"If I have to trust you on Nino being a good person, you have to trust me on Futaro being a good person. We'll just have to see for ourselves though, won't we?" He said before walking away, he walked down the hall and noticed Nino talking to a few of her friends, he happened to hear her conversation.

"I'm serious! I got someone to dance with me! His name is Kintaro-kun!" Nino said excitedly.

"Ooo! Good for you Nino, you'll be able to fulfill the legend!" One of her friends said, Rokuro sighed and smiled to himself, walking up to her.

"Legend? What legend?" Rokuro asked as he lied, he wanted to hear what she said.

"You haven't heard Rokuro-san? There's a legend about dancing with someone at the bonfire, if you dance with them you'll be bound for life!" One of her friends said, he blushed lightly and looked over at Nino.

"Is that why you were so surprised that I asked Itsuki to dance?" Rokuro asked, wanting to see what she said, she suddenly perked up and looked at him.

"You mean you didn't intend it that way?" Nino questioned.

"Of course I didn't! I'm not in love with any of you or anything, I just wanted someone to dance with." Rokuro explained, Nino stared at him wide eyed before she suddenly blushed and looked away.

"Idiot..." She muttered.

"What!? What did I do this time?" He retorted.

"If-if you had asked me, and explained it like that...I might've danced with you.." Nino said sheepishly, his eyes widened and he paused a moment, wondering if he had heard that right. Nino would've danced with him if he just asked? Was she really that nice? He didn't believe it, but Nino also wouldn't just say that for no reason, if she didn't want to dance with him, she wouldn't have said anything. He blushed a bit and looked away, sighing.

"A-at any rate, we both got people to dance with, so it's all good. Does Itsuki-tan know about the legend?" Rokuro asked.

"I don't think so. Also! Why do you keep calling Itsuki 'Itsuki-tan', you call Miku 'Miku-rin', you call Yotsuba 'Yotsuba-chii', and you call Ichika 'Ichika-nee'?" Nino questioned.

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