Chapter Seventeen, So Long Ago

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A few days after the trip, Futaro had been hospitalized, he was stuck there until the doctor deemed him fit to leave, so he passed the time by watching tv, he was currently watching something about horoscopes when the door to his room opened and in walked Rokuro.

"So you're up, you gave us all a scare." Rokuro said with a smile, Futaro stared at him and noticed something.

"Touko, What's wrong? You don't usually force a smile around me." Futaro asked, Rokuro's expression dropped and he sighed, walking over and sitting down in a chair next to him.

"My daymares are getting worse. I'm losing the ability to walk anymore...anytime I have one..I can barely even stand." Rokuro explained, Futaro's eyes widened and he looked down.

"We're in a hospital, did you ask to get checked?" Futaro asked, Rokuro nodded and looked out the window.

"In between visits to you, I've been here, they tried giving me medicine...but it's worsening, nothing is helping. They say it's something much more serious..something deep inside my psyche is making it worse, Ichika-nee says I gotta stop blaming myself for what happened...but it was all my fault...I should've been there for my family...instead..I was off with her.." Rokuro muttered with a scowl, clenching his fists.

"Whatever it need to figure it out...I can't have it getting so bad that you become hospitalized, there's no one that could pay for your hospital bill..." Futaro replied.

"We could pay for it, I don't know what you two are talking about, but if he needs to be hospitalized, we'll pay for it." A voice said, Futaro turned around and saw Nino walking in the room.

"N-Nino-tya! How long have you been there..?" Rokuro asked.

"I just got here, anyways...I gotta go, don't tell anyone I'm here, okay?" Nino said, hiding behind the curtain. Futaro and Rokuro looked at each other confused before the door suddenly opened more.

"Uesugi-saaaaan!" Yotsuba yelled.

"Not so loud Yotsuba-chii, I have a headache.." Rokuro muttered, looking away, Futaro turned to him with his eyes wide.

"Touko..." He muttered, he was looking at the true Rokuro right now, a quiet boy who was afraid of himself, he could see the fear in his eyes, he noticed that there were slight bags under his eyes, and that he was twitching slightly, he was getting worse, and quickly.

"Sorry Rokuro-san, have you seen Nino?" Yotsuba asked, they both stared at her blankly, Futaro was contemplating what to say when Ichika and Miku walked in.

"Hey there Futaro-kun. Oh so this is where you were, Touko-kun." Ichika said, Rokuro nodded and stood up, Futaro saw his legs twitch slightly and shake, he was struggling to stand as is.

"Where's Itsuki-tan?" Rokuro asked.

"We're still looking for her, she and Nino keep evading us." Miku answered.

"I smell Nino! She's definitely in here." Yotsuba declared.

"She smells that bad? That must suck.." Futaro replied.

"We were worried about you Futaro-kun, you were burning up so badly we didn't think you'd make it, Touko-kun here stayed with you, saying he wouldn't leave. It was so sweet." Ichika said, nudging Rokuro's shoulder.

"O-of course I would! I have an obligation to my brother to be there for him!" Rokuro retorted, crossing his arms, Futaro smiled a bit, whenever he was around the quints, it seemed like he was more or less his happy self from all those years ago.

"We're glad you were able to make it through Futaro, if you ever feel bored, you can call us." Miku offered.

"I'd much rather be alone-" Futaro was cut off by two hands smacking him on the head.

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