Special Chapter, Christmas Time!!!

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This is a chapter not related to the events of The Quintessential Quintuplets: Eternal Hearts, all events within the Special Chapters are part of their own continuity and should be considers as non canon, they only serve as a special celebration of a holiday and thus have little content within them.


Twas a week before Christmas, when all through the house, five sisters were bustling around, walking with a bounce. Presents stuffed under a tree neatly and with care, in hopes that soon enough, Christmas would be there.

"Rokuro-saaaaaaan!" Yotsuba exclaimed as she ran up to Rokuro, who was laying under the kotatsu.

"Huh..? What is it Yotsuba-chii..?" He muttered, rubbing his eyes as he sat up.

"Uesugi-san is here!" She said happily, he sighed and stood up, shaking off his fatigue just as Itsuki let Futaro in.

"I hope you all know I have to work on Christmas, also I brought Raiha." He said with an annoyed sigh.

"Hello!" Raiha said excitedly.



Yotsuba and Itsuki said in unison, running up to her and hugging her, Rokuro and Futaro looked each other and sighed. Futaro took of his coat and boots before walking inside and sitting under the kotatsu across from Rokuro.

"Are you even doing anything for Christmas?" Futaro asked.

"No clue, that's up to them. You know I usually just follow what they do." Rokuro replied, as Itsuki and Yotsuba were talking to Raiha, Nino was in the kitchen cooking, Ichika was setting up a small Christmas tree, and Miku was stringing decorations around. He looked around at all of them and suddenly got an idea.

"Hey, all of you come here." He called out, everyone paused what they were doing and walked up to Futaro and Rokuro.

"What's up Kazu-kun?" Ichika asked.

"Wanna do secret santa? We have enough people." Rokuro offered, the girls were silent for a moment before their faces all light up and they began to talk happily.

"What's secret santa?" Raiha asked.

"It's where we all put our names into like a hat or something and draw names, whoever we get, we have to buy them a present." Futaro explained.

"Oh okay, yea!" Raiha replied happily.

"Alright, let me figure out how to do this, any of y'all got a hat?" Rokuro asked.

"I have a beanie that I wear when it's cold sometimes, will that work?" Ichika questioned.

"Yea that's fine, let me go write our names on some pieces of paper." Rokuro answered before walking into the kitchen, he pulled out a small notepad that Nino kept different lists of ingredients on and wrote all their names down on separate pieces of paper. Ichika came out from the girls room with her beanie and Rokuro folded the notes up and put them in, he shook them up, and put the beanie on the counter.

"How are we gonna draw names?" He asked.

"Oldest to youngest?" Itsuki offered.

"No...I don't think that would be fair really, considering it's Raiha's first time doing this, let's go youngest to oldest. You choose first Raiha." He replied, holding his hand out to the beanie. First Raiha drew, then Itsuki, then Yotsuba, then Miku, then Nino, then Ichika, then Futaro, then Rokuro. As he picked up and looked at his, he was hoping for someone simple, like Nino or Futaro, instead he got Miku.

"Everyone else get someone besides themselves?" Rokuro asked, to which they all nodded.

"Mine's hard." Futaro said flatly.

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