Chapter Thirty-Nine, Come and ReMind Me

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(For anyone curious, yes "ReMind Me" is a Kingdom Hearts reference)


Rokuro had no idea where to go, he had no idea what to do, he was so full of anger and pain that he had lost all ambition. He wandered the streets in a daze, hoping to find something to give him any sort of energy boost.

"Are you okay?" He heard a voice say, he looked off to his side and saw a man in a black business suit walking next to him.

"Y-yes...yes I'm fine.." He muttered, looking away.

"I've seen that dead look before, you've been hurt haven't you?" The man asked, Rokuro looked back at him with slight surprise.

"How did you.." He trailed off, realizing he had just admitted that he had, the man chuckled and patted him on the back.

"I've been in the same position myself, I lost my brother to a horrible accident, there was a big fight, and I was one of the few that survived. So believe me when I say I can somewhat sympathize with your pain." The man said, Rokuro stared at him for a moment before nodding slowly.

"I'm sorry, I'm dealing with some things with my friends." He replied, looking down.

"Friends can be a difficult thing to handle, you have no idea what they will say, what they'll do, what they're telling you is true. It's a constant state of uncertainty." The man said grimly, Rokuro nodded and sighed.

"What's your name stranger?" Rokuro asked.

"You may call me Nomura, may I ask why you have makeup on?" Nomura questioned, making Rokuro jump a little. He hadn't expected a question like that to come up, he looked down at his arms, wondering if he had put the makeup on wrong.

"Sorry, I'm an ex-cop, I have an eye for certain things." Nomura said with an awkward smile.

"It's just covering up something bad from my past, I got really hurt back then," Rokuro answered his question, lightly rubbing one of his covered scars.

"I see, is your name Rokuro Kazuhiro?" Nomura questioned, making Rokuro freeze up, his head snapped upwards to look at Nomura, who was staring at him curiously.

"I see I've hit the mark, don't worry, I'm not here to hurt you or arrest you, in fact, we've been waiting for you." Nomura said with a smile.

"Waiting for me? What are you talking about?" Rokuro questioned.

"Tell me Rokuro-san, you've beaten up a group of five men to the point where one died in the hospital, why do you think it is you haven't been sought after by the police yet?" Nomura said sternly, Rokuro's eyes widened as he was reminded of the night where he defended Ichika.

"Wait..there's no way the police wouldn't come after me unless they were paid off or something..." Rokuro muttered.

"There was also the time you lashed out and fought kids from another school during a field trip and even fought a store's staff members, if you haven't noticed by now, we've been making all of that disappear." Nomura answered for him, the second the words left his mouth, Rokuro's heart jumped into his throat, he knew exactly what he was dealing with now.

"A Yakuza member..." Rokuro muttered, clenching his fists and backing away.

"Calm down Rokuro-san, I'm not here to fight you or anything, I just wish to talk." Nomura said as he put his hands in the air.

"Then what the hell do you want?" Rokuro growled.

"As I said, we're excited to see you're back, ever since you fought six years ago, there's been a sort of a silent rule made. You beat four hundred of our members at age twelve, you've been treated with the utmost respect. We've been the ones who have been making sure you stay out of legal trouble." Nomura explained, Rokuro stared at him in bewilderment.

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