Chapter Thirty-Six, The Day of Three

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Kyoto was right around the corner, and Rokuro was starting to become more anxious, the more he thought about it, the more he didn't know how to feel. He had his feelings to figure out, his past to remember, and the girls to watch over and make sure they didn't swamp Futaro, it was all very stressful. He was laying down under the kotatsu by himself thinking about it when suddenly Miku walked out from the bedroom.

"Good morning Miku-rin." He said with a smile.

"Morning...Kazuhiro.." She muttered with a yawn, she walked over and sat down by him, sighing.

"Something wrong?" He asked.

"I want to bake or cook something special for Futaro, but my cooking skills are still lacking." She explained, he smiled and pulled himself out of the kotatsu, sitting up and looking at her.

"You have two great cooks living with you, why not ask for help?" Rokuro questioned.

"Because I wanted to show off my growth on my own, I wanted to do it myself and impress him." Miku muttered, he sighed and patted her head.

"That's an admirable thing Miku-rin, but there's nothing wrong with asking for help, come on, what do you wanna make him?" He asked as he stood up.

"I was trying for bread at work, but it's not going so well.." She said dejectedly.

"Do you have work today?" He asked.

"Yea, in like two hours." She answered.

"I'll come with you to work, I can talk about it with your manager and see if I can come back to the kitchen and supervise, and we'll help you make that bread. Then we gotta get someone to taste test, maybe Itsuki or something." Rokuro explained.

"Yotsuba was the one helping me." Miku said flatly.

"Alright, well come on." He said, he stood up and left the room to freshen up, about two hours went past and they were ready to leave. They walked down the road silently until they got to Miku's job, only then did Rokuro realize where it was.

"Really? Across from Futaro and Nino-tya?" He asked in a sarcastic tone. Miku's face flushed red and she looked away.

"I-It was the most convenient one." She said quickly. He sighed and walked inside, taking a look around. It was a small place, much smaller than Revival, but it was a decent size.

"I'm here." Miku said as she walked in.

"Oh Miku-chan, you're here! And who's this?" A woman from behind the counter said to her.

"This is my friend...Rokuro Touko." She said, making Rokuro pause for a moment. He hadn't heard anyone call him Touko in so long that he had almost forgotten about it, the more he thought about it, the more he realized that he only ever talked to people who knew his name. He hadn't told the girls or Futaro to tell anyone else, but now that he knew everything, he'd have to change that. He made a mental note to start telling people to call him Kazuhiro.

"Oh please, call me Kazuhiro." He said with a smile, Miku looked at him in surprise before smiling, nodding happily.

"Okay Kazuhiro-kun! What brings you here today?" The woman asked.

"Miku-rin here wanted help with baking bread, so I'm here to help her out." He replied simply.

"Ohhh yea! She's told me all about that! Do you need the kitchen?" She asked.

"Am I allowed to go back there?" He questioned.

"Of course! Any friend of Miku-chan's is welcome to! I'll be out here manning the front, so go do what you need to!" She answered happily, Rokuro smiled and took Miku's hand, walking to the back. As they got into the kitchen he took notice of the vast array of baking supplies, they were stocked to the max.

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