Chapter Thirty-Four, Birthday Wishes

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A day after he and Futaro's declaration of war on Jikan and Takeda, Rokuro was sitting at home, trying to think of what to do to prepare for the upcoming fight he was going to have. The girls were sitting around the table talking about Futaro.

"It's coming up right? Miku, did you manage to ask what he wants?" Nino asked.

"Yea, money, more stamina, better sleep, less are we supposed to give him better luck?" Miku asked, Rokuro looked over at them.

"You're talking about his birthday aren't you?" He asked.

"How did you know?" Itsuki asked.

"He's my brother, it would be odd if I didn't know." Rokuro replied.

"Do you know what we could get him?" Ichika asked, Rokuro crossed his arms and looked up, wondering about that himself, he had been planning to get him something, but he didn't know what. He tried to think deep into the depths of his mind to figure out what he could possibly want.

"Futaro.." He muttered, thinking hard.

"Rokuro-kun?" He heard Itsuki say, but he didn't move, he was focused, and suddenly it came to him.

"I got it." He said with a smile.

"Huh? Got what?" Yostuba asked.

"I'm not sure about luck..but we can help him with stamina, sleep, fatigue, and money. You worry about fatigue and money, I got sleep and stamina, I'll also get him something to help him with the exam." Rokuro said before jumping up, he put his shoes on and dashed out the door. He ran down the street as fast as he could, getting to the store in little time. Once he got there he slowed down and began to walk around, looking for things that could help Futaro.

"Notebooks and pencils probably could help...he could be able to study more..." Rokuro muttered to himself. He nodded and grabbed some small notebooks, pencils, and energy drinks for Futaro to give him an extra boost. He paid for those then went to another store and bought Futaro a nice comfy futon before returning home.

"What did you get him?" Miku asked as he walked in the door.

"Geez woman, I haven't even taken my shoes off yet!" Rokuro replied with a laugh, he set his things down next to the windowsill and sat back down, sighing.

"I got him a better futon and things to study with." Rokuro said after a moment.

"Really? That's the best you could come up with?" Nino said in a harsh but teasing tone.

"Hey, at least he can actually appreciate my gifts, a better futon for better sleep, energy drinks for extra energy, and pencils and notebooks to study more, where are your gifts?" Rokuro retorted, Nino stared at him wide eyed before smiling.

"When did you get so snappy?" She asked.

"What do you mean? I'm always like this." Rokuro answered.

"No, something does seem different with you Kazuhiro." Miku agreed.

"Is that a good thing or a bad thing?" He replied.

"Definitely a good thing, Uesugi-kun did tell me you used to be more witty and sarcastic when you were younger, you were also a lot happier from what he's told me. I get the feeling that right now, we're seeing the old, real you, Rokuro-kun." Itsuki explained, Rokuro thought for a moment, he didn't feel any sadness or pain, just joy and love for the quints.

"I guess you're right Itsuki-tan." He said with a smile, after that, he tried helping the girls think of what to get Futaro, they were up all night thinking about it. Over the course of the next week, Rokuro managed to get a bunch of alone time with Miku, she had been helping him talk out his feelings while he helped her one on one with what to get Futaro. One day he was walking down the hall with Futaro talking about the upcoming exams when they ran into what looked like Miku. Rokuro could tell that it was Ichika, but Futaro made no comment about it.

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