4. At the airport

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- June 13th, Sunday, Seoul -

"Are you serious?! What the fuck, Chan?!" Changbin raged on his hyung, while the older one sat in his chair, silently staring back at the younger black-haired man.

The other six males were silent, too shocked to say anything. They all gathered in the small room as Bang Chan called them over after ending his live. No one dared to speak up for a good while... But Han Jisung was brave enough to talk first...

"Hyung, we're boarding the plane for our US tour tomorrow," Han said but Chan continued rocking in his chair, looking at his joined fingers, "What will the staff and managers say?"

"I took care of it. They already know," Bang Chan answered in an instant, his words sealing Han's lips. Then he turned to the others, raising his brow, "Any more comments?" he asked, scanning their faces. The atmosphere in Chan's studio became tense just from his glare.

"I didn't see her well at the wedding so... Is she cute, at least?" long-haired Hyunjin asked and Felix, sitting next to him on the gray sofa, shot him a glare. The taller boy only shrugged.

Hearing Chan's short chuckle, everyone turned back to him, "I guess she's okay..."

"Then I'm fine with it, no more comments!" Hyunjin raised his hands, surrendering.

Seeing how nobody had anything else to add, Chan spoke again, "We'll go on tour and do our usual stuff. She'll be there, keeping a low profile, not bothering anyone, and only for my amusement. So, she's my responsibility, you guys have nothing to do with it," he sneered.

"Booo, Chan-hyung won't share..." Hyunjin pouted, crossing his arms and shriveling, sitting between Felix and I.N on the sofa behind Chan.

Bang Chan laughed, "I like the way you think, Hyunjin my boy, but no, not this time."

"If STAY find out, they'll eat her up," Seungmin, sitting on the sofa armrest next to I.N, commented and others agreed.

"I'll make sure that doesn't happen," Chan smiled. He had everything planned out on how to keep Jia away from the fans and other curious eyes. "Don't worry, guys, everything will be fine."

"I'm fine with it as long as the staff is," Lee Know, standing by Han, uncrossed his arms and shrugged.

"That's what I love to hear," Chan winked at his friend but turned to others, "Then boys, let's have a good tour!" Bang Chan smiled at them, extending his arm to the center of the room for everyone to join in and cheer.


- June 14th (close to midnight), Monday, Seoul -

"Did you pack everything?" Mrs. Kim worried, fixing Jia's jacket.

"Yes, mom, don't worry," the daughter answered, pulling the large suitcase out of the house.

"You look terrible, my daughter..." the mother noticed, staring at Jia's pale face hidden behind a pair of big sunglasses, that her daughter looked extremely exhausted.

And how couldn't she be? She barely slept ever since Bang Chan left that night - she downloaded all of SKZ's songs, all albums in order, and with headphones over her ears listened to their music until she couldn't keep her eyes open anymore (which was mostly at sunrise). She studied about them and their music, writing notes and important facts in a notebook as if she was taking an exam and this exam would cost her so much if she fails.

"I'm alright, mom. I need to go, the taxi is here," Jia kissed her mother on the cheek and rushed down to the sidewalk, where the car waited.

"Say hi to Chan for me!" Mrs. Kim shouted but Jia already entered the taxi, giving instructions to the driver.

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