40. 3RACHA

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A/N: Again, yes, it is EXACTLY what you think it is.

- July 26th (1:15 AM), Monday, Tokyo

The door lock clicked open and two males peeked inside, slowly stepping into the dark and quiet room. Only the sound of their breaths could be heard. The younger stumbled upon the bags with food on the floor but the leader caught him, both of them putting a finger over their lips. They heard some rustling coming from the bedroom and advanced there. With two beds in the room, one was occupied, the moonlight gently shining on two people snuggled close together, their naked bodies covered with a thin bed sheet.

Coming to stand by the bed first, Chan smiled at the sleeping faces, both of them looking cute and rested. He noticed how Changbin held Jia, his strong arm resting on her waist, them facing each other with Jia's head laid on Changbin's bicep which was her perfect cushion.

Jisung came to stand next to Chan and also smiled, letting out a small scoff and shaking his head.

"Movie night, huh?" Han whispered, turning to see the TV turned off after its sleep timer went off about an hour ago.

"Go shower," Chan whispered back, his eyes never leaving Jia's face. Han only nodded and went straight to the bathroom, turning on the water in a matter of moments.

Bang Chan took a deep breath and cracked his neck, going to the side of the bed to turn on the LED lights behind the headboards, creating a perfect light of the room - not too bright, not too dark. Then he stepped to Changbin and lightly shook his shoulder a few times before the naked male turned on his back and looked up at the leader. They smiled at each other and Changbin turned his head, smiling wider at Jia who slept soundly on his arm. He slid it out under her slowly and stood up from the bed to stand next to Chan.

Chan fished out a bottle from the pocket of his shorts and handed it to Changbin, "As promised," he snickered and Changbin licked his lips, nodding his head as he took the bottle of lubricant, examining it and smiling at how much was already used.

Changbin then jerked his head towards Jia, "Do you think she'll be okay with this?" he looked at Chan who nodded and smirked proudly.

"If we prepare her well, she'll love it. Besides," Chan talked but then sat on the bed, caressing Jia's hair and moving the lost strand off her face, "What kind of a boyfriend I'd be if I don't fulfill all of my girl's sexual fantasies," he smiled more, watching how Jia nuzzled into the mattress on the feel of his touch.

"Chan... she's so amazing... you didn't lie..." Changbin spoke in pauses, his eyes traveling all over Jia's body, enjoying her every curve.

"Did I ever lie to you, Bin?" Chan looked up at his friend and they both smiled at each other.

Seconds later, the bathroom door opened, spilling out hot and shirtless Han Jisung. Only wearing gray sweatpants where the outlines of his crotch could be noticed, Han dried off his hair with a smaller towel, looking at his members gathered by the bed where Jia still slept in the same position.

"Yo, how are we gonna do it?" Han spoke, his damp fringe falling over his right eye.

"I'm calling dibs on her ass," Changbin raised his hand, speaking up first and making Bang Chan laugh quietly.

Han then looked at Bang Chan who only shrugged at his glance, "She gives the best blowjobs but her pussy is also..." Chan stopped talking, noticing how fidgety Han was, his eyes traveling from Jia's lips to her covered hips. "So?" he asked and his stoic tone startled the youngest.

"I..." Jisung started, his gaze falling to the ground but coming back at Chan as he heard the leader sigh.

"It's alright, don't think too much about it," Chan spoke sternly and Han nodded. Then Bang Chan leaned closer to Jia, supporting himself on his elbow as his fingertips slowly caressed Jia's face, making her grumble in her sleep, "Let's wake up our princess and hear what she wants..." Chan hummed and came to her, kissing her cheek gently, his touch causing her to slightly frown and nuzzle in the bed.

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