59. Text messages

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- September 5th, Sunday, Seoul -

Bang Chan carefully slid out of Jia's bed, waking up at the first sound of his alarm. The sun had merely risen but he promised the managers that he'd be back at the company early - he had double work today since his schedule for the previous day was pushed off. So, starting work at sunrise will give him enough time to finish early.

Chan smiled down at the sleeping girl as he zipped up his pants, resisting her naked body covered with a thin piece of fabric. He pushed down his morning wood and shook his head, having mercy on the girl he kept awake until 3 AM because they both couldn't get enough of each other (testing different SKZ songs and how they'll go with sex).

Dressing up completely, Chan came to give Jia one short kiss on her soft blonde head before he went back to the company. Jia mumbled sweetly and nuzzled into the pillow, continuing to sleep soundly. Chan smiled at her cuteness.

"I love you, Jia," he whispered to her and she mumbled a reply on which he chuckled.

Chan straightened and stretched, going down the stairs carefully so as not to make a sound. He also typed a short loving message for her to see when she woke up.


Jia woke up around 10 AM. She opened her eyes to an empty side of the bed, remembering how Chan told her that he needed to return to work early in the morning. She smiled and buried her face in the pillow where he slept, inhaling that familiar musky smell. She let out a big sigh, feeling relaxed and loved.

Reaching for her phone on the nightstand, Jia unlocked it to read the morning message Chan sent her.

She typed just as cheesy reply to his cheesy message, for him to see when he had time, and stretched, taking a deep breath

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She typed just as cheesy reply to his cheesy message, for him to see when he had time, and stretched, taking a deep breath. Her whole soul was wrapped in happiness and love and with the sun shining brightly outside, she knew that this would be a good day.

Although she won't see Chan for most of the day, she decided to fill her free time with something else, one of it being visiting her parents and having a calm Sunday lunch with them. She hoped to ease the tension with her mother - she wanted nothing but love and happiness to fill this day.

Jia had a rich and nutritious breakfast after her morning shower, got dressed, and grabbed her apartment keys, ready to head out. Her plan was to walk around a bit, visit some stores to buy some gifts for her parents, and later in the afternoon visit their house. She knew that her mother always prepared good food for a Sunday lunch but would always leave the dessert-making to Jia. Having that in mind, Jia knew just what to buy - some delicious confectionery would be a perfect gift and her parents loved chocolate.

Jia giggled and locked her apartment door, heading down the hallway. She waited for the elevator but when the door opened, Jia saw her old neighbor she met a long time ago.

"Ah, Jia," the old woman gasped and Jia bowed.

"Hello, Mrs. Park. How are you?" she greeted the lady and she exited the elevator.

Wolf Prince and Liar Princess [BANG CHAN FF] ✔️Where stories live. Discover now