3. Dinner

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Bang Chan messaged Jia on the day after the wedding that he'll be available next Friday. Ever since she told this to her parents, Jia had to prepare for dinner night even though it was happening in four days. But, it wasn't because she wanted - her mother forced her to clean the whole house, wash the dishes that they'll use for dinner, and iron the tablecloth every single day. There wasn't supposed to be a single speck of dust anywhere and the dinner had to be traditional Korean. At one moment, Jia even thought that her mother would pull out traditional hanbok for everyone to wear. Luckily, she didn't do that.

The whole situation in the house stressed Jia out, so all she wanted was for Friday to come and end. But, on the other hand, she feared that "ending"... her public embarrassment.

- June 11th, Friday, Seoul -

"He's such a fine young man, you'll see," Mrs. Kim giggled, talking about Chan to her husband as they waited in the living room.

All three of them were dressed in new elegant clothes, specially bought for this occasion. Jia felt extremely uncomfortable in make-up, wearing a thin strap beige-colored satin dress and heels. She also found her mother looking ridiculous with red lipstick and thick eyeliner but hoped that maybe that would scare a guy to never have any contact with her. Those thoughts swarmed around Jia's mind as she stared out of the living room window.

"Is your boyfriend lost, maybe?" Jia's dad asked, "Did you message him the right address?"

"Yes, dad, I did. Don't worry..."

It was 2 minutes until 8 PM and Mrs. Kim was getting restless but just as she stood up from the couch, a large, black, and expensive sports car stopped in front of their house.

"That must be him!" Mrs. Kim squealed like a teenage girl, rapidly fixing her hair and her husband's suit.

When the car door opened and a man in an all-black suit came out, Jia's heart pounded the same way when she first (officially) met him - she was nervous and barely kept her poker face (her "thing" for men dressed in all-black lurking). The family advanced towards the entrance door, waiting for a doorbell, and when it rang, Jia opened the door, revealing the handsome male. He raised his head and smiled, a dimple showing on his right cheek.

"Good evening," Bang Chan said, offering Jia a large bouquet of flowers. She nodded and took it, stepping aside to let him in. Chan greeted her parents, introducing himself to her father for the first time (including his "boyfriend" title in his introduction). He brought gifts - a box of chocolates for her mom, and a bottle of expensive wine for her dad.

They went straight to the table and Jia sat on Chan's right side after putting the flowers in a glass vase. Parents sat across from the young ones at the small table. Two men talked about Chan's car while Mrs. Kim watched Chan lovingly, not minding the "manly" topic of the conversation.

Jia also looked at Chan, noticing that he dyed his hair black but it was her mom that brought it up first: "Chan, you dyed your hair! It looks good!" she giggled.

"Ah, thank you, ma'am," he bowed, pushing fingers through his hair after. Jia gladly noticed that move and her throat became dry - she loved when men did that. "My group and I changed our appearances a bit. We're actually preparing for the upcoming tour," Chan continued.

"Oh, you'll tell us all about it as we eat," Mrs. Kim interrupted him, "Let's eat before the food gets cold," she said, waiting for Chan to take his chopsticks first. She gestured to him to try the food and loved his expression when he took a bite of meat.

"This is very delicious," Chan commented, covering his mouth as he ate.

"Thank you," Mrs. Kim was overjoyed, "Jia helped me with it," she looked at her daughter and then back at Chan, "Our Jia is very skilled in the kitchen," Mrs. Kim giggled, not missing a chance to praise her daughter as if she's marrying her off, "Did you try her cooking?" she asked.

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