43. Hellevator

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- July 29th, Thursday, Okinawa -

Soft yet persistent knocking on the door woke Felix up. He slowly opened his eyes and smiled at the sleeping girl nestled in his embrace. Pulling out his arm wrapped under her, Felix carefully got out of the bed and put on his white kimono, wrapping it around his naked body to hurry and open the door.

Unlocking and opening the door, Felix saw smiley Bang Chan already dressed in his casual clothes.

"Good morning, sunshine," Chan chirped and Felix smiled, rubbing his sleepy eyes and stepping to the side to let his hyung inside.

"Morning," he replied in his groggy voice, nodding as Chan tapped his shoulder. This time, Chan couldn't just casually come inside by himself, and he felt bad for waking Felix up because he misplaced the master key and couldn't find it the whole morning.

"How did you sleep?" Chan asked casually, walking inside the room and turning the corner to see Jia still asleep on the bed.

"Like a baby," Felix responded after closing the door and following Chan inside.

Bang Chan raised his brows, gesturing with his head to the sleeping woman, "And... how was last night? Did you two have fun?"

Felix sighed in contentment, a big smile forming on his face, "It was amazing... She is amazing," he said, looking at Jia and remembering their heated sexy time last night.

Chan chuckled, "If I got a dollar for every time I heard that..." he didn't finish the sentence but stepped up and went to sit on the corner of the bed. He sighed again at the beauty of sleeping Jia but looked back at Felix, "Go get ready and head down for breakfast," Chan instructed, "We still have a lot of work to do on filming the video."

It was barely 8 in the morning but Felix didn't complain, he understood the importance of their job and had to follow the schedule.

"I heard that a typhoon is approaching us," Felix commented and Chan nodded.

"Yeah, that's why we need to hurry up. The staff already prepared the equipment for the last part of the shooting, which is on the beach."

Felix nodded again and was soon in the bathroom, going to take a shower and get ready for the day. As for Bang Chan - as soon as the bathroom door closed, he climbed up on the bed and positioned himself over Jia, kissing the top of her exposed shoulder. Her naked body was covered with a thin bedsheet but that didn't stop Chan to sneak his hand under it and caress her butt, moving his fingers slowly between her legs, on which she lightly moaned in her sleep and turned on her back.

Bang Chan smiled more, his face directly over Jia's, and kissed her cheek, "Wake up princess, it's time for work," he slowly whispered and she mumbled in her sleep, begging him for 5 more minutes. Chan laughed at that, coming back down to kiss her lips as his fingers fiddled with her wetness. His dick reacted to the touch but they didn't have time for morning sex.

"Chris..." she moaned, her eyes still closed, and he suppressed a grunt, cursing his rising erection that reacted to her voice calling his name, "Please... put it in..." she whispered, slowly waking up.

"I can't, my love. We need to shoot our video, remember?"

"Just a little bit..." she begged, rising and wrapping her arms around his neck, bringing him down to her lips.

"This?" Christopher asked, pushing two fingers inside her wet pussy and making her grunt in pleasure but shake her head.

"No, babe... I want you... I want the real thing," Jia whispered again, now fully awake and aware of him.

Wolf Prince and Liar Princess [BANG CHAN FF] ✔️Where stories live. Discover now