39. Under the Streetlight

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- July 25th (morning), Sunday, Seoul - 

Jia and Chan didn't want to separate from each other as they kept their lips connected even after the big black van stopped in front of her house. She was sitting on his lap, wearing his Mahagrid zip hoodie that sheltered her body from the morning cold. All they wanted was to return to bed, snuggle, and sleep... just like the other three sleepy members of SKZ in the car. Wearing hats over their eyes, the boys kept their eyes shut, some drifting back to light sleep.

"Chan..." Changbin grumbled from the seat in front of the two lovers, "If you don't let her go, we'll be late for our flight..."

Another couple of seconds passed before Chan finally pulled away from Jia and her soft warm lips. He reached with his hand and caressed her right cheek, smiling gently at her.

"I'll see you later," he whispered and she nodded, kissing his nose before hopping out of the car.

Jia gripped the hoodie around her body and watched the van speed up down the street. It was close after sunrise and the weather was chilly so the girl hurried to get into the house. Rummaging through her purse, she fished for the entrance door key that hid under the important piece of paper. She smiled at the plane ticket, anticipating her time in Japan with Chan and the boys.

Carefully and as quietly as she could, Jia unlocked the door and came inside the small house. Just as quietly, she climbed the stairs to her room and plopped on the bed to get a bit more sleep before it was time for her to leave.


Jia ate her traditional Korean breakfast (something she's been eating a lot this past week) with her mother's judgmental piercing gaze never leaving her figure. As Jia chewed on kimchi, she looked up at her mother who sat opposite her and raised her brows in a questioning manner. Mrs. Kim sighed and continued drinking her tea, clicking her tongue. Jia sighed and dropped the metal chopsticks on the table, falling back in her chair.

"Mom, we already talked about this," Jia rolled her eyes, chewing on rice and kimchi mix in her mouth, "If you want to disown me, so be it, but I'm going with Chan," she shrugged in 'I don't care' manner and returned to finish her breakfast.

Mrs. Kim clicked her tongue, shaking her head and averting her eyes from Jia, "Some boy is more important to you than your own family..."

Jia slammed her hands on the table and stood up, "I've had enough of it!" she pushed the chair and glared at her mother who didn't want to meet her eyes, "Of course he's important to me, as well as my family and those are two different kinds of loves. And, for once, stop being selfish - I want and need to live my own life and chase my own happiness and the least I expect from my parents is support," Jia balled her fists, not being able to stop the bitter tears, "I helped you as much as I could but... I really want to be with him, mom..." she sniffled and her mother finally turned her head to see her crying face, "I love him..."

Mrs. Kim sighed and stood up from the table, going to the living room and returning with her purse in hand. Jia sniffled and wiped her tears, watching her mother rummage through her bag, pulling out her wallet. Mrs. Kim took a card and offered it to Jia. The girl tried to regain her breath, watching her mother in confusion.

"Your father convinced me and we opened a separate bank account under your name. There's some money so... use it wisely in Japan and don't spend too much..." Mrs. Kim explained, confusing Jia more.

"What?" she frowned, "You just said..."

"I know what I said!" the woman stomped to her daughter and shoved the thin plastic card in her hands, "I thought you would change your mind."

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