32. Day out w/ VocalRacha

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- July 15th, Thursday, Chicago -

After their lunch, Bang Chan didn't want Jia to leave so she followed them to the concert venue, wearing her Converse sweat wear and a STAFF tag around her neck. She helped the other staff members, mainly in charge of the water bottles and towels she brought the boys as they rehearsed before the concert.

The day was extremely hot and they sweated a lot after practicing each choreography so her assistance was needed often. Other staff knew her position aka relationship with Bang Chan but, being on the job, the leader and his group members were professional, just like Jia, and not in the slightest giving anyone any reason for gossip as all they gave Jia were polite smiles, thanking her for helping around.

They were serious and professional even in the dressing room when Chan requested for Jia to help with his outfits and jewelry.

But, that all changed once they got in the big black car after the concert. Jia was sitting in Chan's lap sideways as they were making out, the other three members focused on their phones, trying to ignore the sounds of smooching. It was I.N that sat in the back with Chan and Jia, nulling all sounds with loud music blasting into his ears through his headphones, with Lee Know and Seungmin sitting in the front, scrolling through their phones.

"What are your plans for tomorrow, baby?" Chan asked, caressing Jia's cheek and pushing her loose hair away from her face and behind her ear. His arms were around her waist as hers resided on his shoulders and around his neck.

Jia looked away from his face to take a moment to think but shrugged as nothing came to her mind, "I don't have anything..." she answered, looking at Chan's smiling face again.

"We're flying to Seattle in the evening and I have to finish some songs so I can't be with you..." his smile faded, "Do you want to have fun with someone else?" Chan grinned and Jia tensed up, shaking her head and making him laugh.

"Please, don't..." she whispered and Chan laughed more, "I can go around the town or something, just..."

"Okay, I get it," Bang Chan smiled, leaning to her face and placing his hand on her butt, "You're sore, aren't you?" his question made Jia bite her lip and cross her legs, nodding her head. "You can sleep in if you'd like, I won't mind... Especially after I'm done with you tonight..." he added and Jia gulped, her nervous expression causing Chan to laugh again.

"I.N and I will go exploring the city tomorrow," Seungmin peeked behind his seat and looked at Jia, grabbing everyone's attention, "If you want to take a break from your wild 'adventure', you can come with us."

Silence arose in the car. Even Lee Know was too stunned to speak, staring at Seungmin after hearing his words.

"Whoa, Seungmin, what's that all about?" Chan smirked, pulling Jia close to him, "Taking action, huh? You finally decide to make a move on my girl, eh?" he teased on which Seungmin rolled his eyes.

"You've grown so much, our little puppy," Minho cooed, making the younger glare at him.

"I'm just saying - she could use some fresh air and relax a bit from you preying on her like a wild animal 24/7," Seungmin rolled his eyes again and the older guys laughed, nodding their heads as to how true his words were.

"Okay, you have my permission," Chan nodded, "But kissing is as far as you can go with her."

"Don't worry, that won't happen," Seungmin retorted instantly.

"I'm not worried about you..." Chan responded, shifting his gaze at I.N who kept nodding his head to the beat of the song in his headphones. "Hey, you!" Bang Chan reached to the youngest, tapping his shoulder to get his attention. Jeongin took off his headphones, staring at Chan confusingly, "You better treat our princess with utmost care tomorrow, got it?"

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