18. Truth or dare

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- July 2nd (night), Friday, Las Vegas -

On their second night in Vegas (after spending the day with concert preparations and at the restaurants, pool, bowling, gym etc.), SKZ boys wanted to have a go at the casino again, so they agreed for "princess" Jia to dress in her white lacy dress again, as they believed that her "looking like a goddess" in that dress brought them luck (not to mention that they also dressed up in expensive suits again, making Jia drool at the sight). And they were truly lucky again. Winning in table games got everyone excited but Jia and Chan pulled the boys out while it was still time. They cashed their winning chips and in a celebratory atmosphere left the casino.

"We should get drunk!" an unexpected shout came from the back of the group and everyone turned to Seungmin who was already tipsy from just two glasses of champagne he had in the casino. He was already at the legal age for drinking in the US, but still not used to alcohol.

"Oh yeah! Let's do it! Wooo!" Changbin put his muscular arm around the younger man's shoulders, almost making them both fall, agreeing to Seungmin's idea wholeheartedly. 

Everyone in the group had a drink at the casino but these two were the most affected as their faces slowly turned red (Changbin wanted to compete with Lee Know and lost, drinking way too much).

"Why is it so hot in here?!" Changbin shouted, pulling his tie and buttons on his shirt, revealing to everyone the top of his muscular chest. Chan put his hand over Jia's eyes but she was so amused that she pushed it away, ready to see what kind of show Changbin was going to put on.

"Bin, we're outside... You had too much to drink and we're all going to bed, we have a concert tomorrow," Bang Chan grabbed his friend's shoulders, holding him up on his legs.

"Boooo! You meanie leader!" Seungmin pouted, "We finished the preparations today so let us have at least some fun tonight," Seungmin stood up to the leader, bursting into laughter right after.

"Ha! See! We can have fun toniiiiight!" Changbin howled and others were really getting amused and on his side. It wasn't that late in the night and they wanted to spend their free time playing.

"And tomorrow, before the concert, we're going on a cruise!" Hyunjin suddenly yelled and everyone cheered, loving the idea.

"Absolutely not, we still have to--" Chan started but Changbin put his finger on the leader's lips.

"Sshhhh. No work, just fun..." Changbin spoke in (drunken) English but straightened up and continued in Korean, "Let's get drunk!"

The rest of the boys, except for Chan, cheered and Jia watched the chaos unfold before her eyes.

It was Friday night and the Kids went straight to where the DJ played on the patio, ordering rounds of tequila shots, whiskey, and cocktails while dancing to the loud music. Jia relaxed after a few cocktails, dancing around with everyone in the group while also glancing and winking at Chan who still had their schedule on his mind, leaning on the bar counter with a glass of iced whiskey in his hand. Noticing his seriousness (and sexiness), Jia danced her way to him, offering him her cocktail glass for them to clink them. She signaled with her eyes to his glass and he gulped the alcoholic drink in one go, making everyone cheer. Jia pulled Bang Chan to the dancing crowd, finally seeing a smile on his face.

It was 11 PM sharp when the party ended but whining kids wanted more. However, seeing how wild everyone was, the SKZ manager and their guards sent everyone back to their rooms.

Yet, it didn't go as planned - the whole group crowded into Chan's room, continuing to party. They couldn't put up loud music so Han suggested games... with alcohol included.

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