37. Kimchi fried rice

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In the upcoming days, Jia had her own "schedule" filled up - she helped her mom in the salon, met with some of her Korean friends, but also went to the promised coffee "date" with SKZ's staff girls - Harin and Sua. They talked and laughed about many different things, got to know each other, and for the whole time they were in the café, two older girls only once mentioned how the boys are busy (as always when they're in Korea), preparing for the new album, shooting videos for YouTube, doing some interviews, etc.

And, despite being busy, Chan found time to occasionally text Jia. Even a simple "I miss you" or "Have a good day today" would make it better for both sides - their day would pass by easily, knowing that the other person was thinking about them.

But, Saturday rolled by and Jia woke up to Chan's text where he told her to get ready, as their driver would come and pick her up in the afternoon. He didn't give other details, leaving Jia's messages on "read". So...


- July 24th, Saturday, Seoul - 

"Alright... Can anyone now explain to me why did I have to buy a carton full of eggs and... what the hell am I doing here?!" Jia shouted at three men in front of her, holding the said eggs, and standing in the small entrance hallway, her feet surrounded by numerous pairs of male shoes.

"On a side note, I heard that you boys walk around the dorm almost naked but I see you're all fully dressed," Jia grinned, "Is it because of me? Oh, how sweet... But, I've already seen all your naked bodies..."

"We have some manners you know..." Hyunjin rolled his eyes.

"It would be weird to welcome our guest shirtless..." Han shrugged.

"Kind of... But nothing unexpected," Jia sighed, "So... The eggs?" she raised her arms on which she held the carton that started to feel uncomfortable to hold.

The males just smiled at her, with Hyunjin stepping down to take the carton from Jia's hands. Then beanie-wearing Bang Chan in his black sleeveless SKZ shirt and shorts came to her next, grabbing her waist and pulling Jia onto his chest and lips. He kissed her lips with a loud pop, and despite his wide smile, Jia was still frowning at him, waiting for answers.

"I missed you," he cooed, hugging her tight and wiggling them around. Jia patted Chan's back, looking over his shoulder at smirking Han.

"That doesn't explain the eggs, Chan," Jia spoke and he parted from the hug, taking her hand and pulling her more inside.

"Welcome to our sanctuary, princess!" Han walked in front of them, spreading his arms.

After the small hallway, they came into a wide room - a living room with a small kitchen and dining table. Jia always wondered what their new dorm looked like but it wasn't that different from the older one, maybe a bit fancier but it still held their energy.

"Where's Changbin?" Jia asked and Chan released her hand from his grip, turning to look at her. His bare face was smiley and soft but Jia held the urge to squish his cheeks (she barely "survived" when she saw Jisung's clean face and his soft cheeks - the "Jeekies").

"He's in his room, working on the tracks," Chan replied, "Doesn't want to be bothered," he shrugged and joined the other two in the kitchen.

"So... you still didn't answer my questions: why am I here and what do you need the eggs for?" Jia crossed her arms, standing in the space that separated the living room and the kitchen. 

Hyunjin approached her with a cold glass of lemonade and she gladly took it as it was really hot outside. He took her hand and guided her to sit on the sofa with him, lowering the volume of the TV from which some K-pop music video played.

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