21. Morning after

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- July 5th (morning), Monday, Las Vegas -

Hot morning sun rays shone on Jia's face through the curtains, waking her up. She took a deep breath and stretched, slowly opening her eyes. Meeting Bang Chan's smiling face on her left and slightly above hers, Jia smiled as well.

"Good morning, beautiful," he said, supporting himself on his elbow, his face leaned on the palm of his hand.

"Good morning to you, too, handsome," Jia giggled, pulling the sheets over her naked body and turning to him.

Chan reached with his other hand, tapping the strawberry he held on Jia's lips. She slowly opened her mouth and bit half of the fruit. Fruit/food play has already become their thing. Chan used the other half to trail it against her lips as she was chewing, letting the juice coat her lower lip. He kissed the small reddish drop, licking Jia's lip on which she instinctively opened her mouth. Chan's tongue didn't hesitate to enter and get a taste, deepening the kiss by the second. He parted first and gave her the rest of the fruit but, this time pushed his two fingers inside. Bang Chan hissed and bit his lip, feeling Jia's hot tongue caressing his fingers.

"Oh, baby..." 

At the sound of his low voice, Jia looked Chan directly into his eyes, grabbing his hand and pushing his fingers deeper into her mouth, coating them with the mix of her saliva and strawberry juice. Her little play was making Chan hard and he pulled his fingers out, coming on top of her fast. He took her face and kissed her, lowering himself to let her feel his hard dick over the sheets.

"You ready for a morning round?" Chan smirked above Jia's lips.

Jia shook her head and Chan looked at her, surprised at her rejection. 

"Not so fast, Chan, my dear," she smiled and looked to the nightstand where a bowl of mixed berries was (along with two opened packs of condoms, all 6 wrappers opened and used). She reached from under Bang Chan and grabbed the largest strawberry from the bowl, along with some pink raspberries. With her hand full, she smiled back at Chan and pushed him off her, making him lay completely naked and hard.

Chan watched her every move closely, fully attentive. Jia sat on the bed, the sheets she was wrapped in falling and revealing her bare breasts to him, making Chan's dick twitch at the sight. She leaned to Chan, making him bite just a small part of the strawberry. Jia commanded the situation and he, strangely, liked it. With half-bitten strawberry, Jia went down to his lower half and grabbed his hot cock, making Chan wince at the sudden pressure that her fingers delivered. Jia crouched down, not averting her eyes from Chan's face. His lips were parted, brows joined in a slight frown, and his eyelids lowered. She licked her lips and brought the strawberry to the tip of his dick, coating the head with its juice. Chan let out a sigh mixed with his low morning voice, his head already falling back on the pillows, and his eyes shut tight.

His cock was already letting out drops of pre-cum and Jia bit her lip, suppressing the urge to lick that sweet and salty mixture. She tortured him with the small fruit more, using her hand to pump his dick slowly, watching how Chan gripped the sheets and gasped for air. His handsome face had a mixture of sweet pain and pleasure, his full lips calling her name in between breaths. 

"Itadakimasu ( いただきます)..." Jia whispered a Japanese saying that is used before the start of the meal and smiled at Chan whose eyes were still shut tight.

Jia decided to end his "agony", so she put the remaining strawberry and three raspberries from her hand into her mouth, chewed on them so that they let out their juices, and put Chan's dick in her mouth. She heard a loud yell that trailed into a whine and ended as a growl, followed by a couple of curse words.

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