46. Live and Drive

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- July 31st, Saturday, Osaka -

Jia was waking up, feeling well rested. She was lying on her left side, feeling the weight and warmth of a pair of strong arms wrapped around her naked body. She smiled and picked up his right hand, kissing his palm gently.

"Channie..." she slowly turned to face him and whispered, trying to wake him up. Bang Chan grunted in his sleep and pulled her body closer to his. Jia giggled but didn't let the skin-on-skin touch disrupt her thoughts, "Babe, it's time to wake up..." she spoke again, "It's the day of your last concert so you have to--"

But she didn't finish her sentence. Instead, Jia let out a surprised yelp because Chan swiftly moved his hand between Jia's legs, cupping her pussy and flipping her over so that she lay on him. Then he used that opportunity and pushed two fingers into her wetness.

"I love that my days start and end with you..." he talked, though his eyes were closed. He slowly opened them, hearing Jia's giggles.

"Easy with the wedding vows, Christopher," Jia grinned and wiggled her hips, trying to get away from his fingers. She slid away from them, sitting up on Chan's stomach. He watched her grin and hissed when she grabbed his already hard cock, "Let's get you ready for the day, hm?" she added and dropped herself on his dick, all hot and ready for her.

And that's how their days often ended and began: with juicy kisses and hot sex.


"That was soooo cool!" Jia giggled on her way out of the concert venue, happily clapping between Bang Chan and Felix. The boys laughed at her silliness and she sighed in contentment, "Oh, my god... Japanese STAYs are something else..." she smiled, remembering the well-thought and organized fan project video as well as the unofficial fan-made banners that made some of the members cry. And she could witness all of that from the high stands.

"Yeah, our concerts in Japan are always special," Felix talked and Jia nodded, smiling at him. But, remembering something, her smile dropped and she looked down at their feet.

"Yeah... And this is your last concert for the year..." Jia said and looked at Chan on her left. He only smiled and took her hand, walking behind Lee Know and Han, on their way to the waiting black SUV.

The five of them boarded the car and took off towards the hotel. Jia was sitting between Chan and Felix. Bang Chan took her hand and kissed the back of it, making Jia turn her head to him from watching TikTok videos on Felix's phone.

"Don't worry, baby, we'll definitely return here next year... And you're coming with us," Chan smiled and kissed her hand again.

Then Lee Know stretched from the front seat and everyone looked at him, "Ugh, I can't wait to lay in bed and just do nothing."

Han, sitting next to Minho, chuckled before speaking, "Hyung, you really were a cat in your past life."

Lee Know just shrugged at that but Chan spoke up next, "I'm going live after dinner since we're flying to Korea tomorrow," he explained but then put on his sweet voice, "Does our dear Lino want to join my live?" Chan cooed and Minho made a disgusted face.

"No, thank you," he answered and put back his headphones to null Chan's whining.

"Oh, that reminds me..." Jia remembered, putting her hand on Chan's for him to look at her, "Is the video for STAY finished for tomorrow?"

Bang Chan smiled, "Yeah, I got a text from our staff who edited it in Korea that it's ready to be uploaded tomorrow. They really liked the shots you took, Jia."

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